Well, I took some advice from the forum and got a pal of mine to help me swap the rear passenger window motor for the tailgate motor.
It fits fine and works perfectly,bearing in mind it has never worked since i've had it, it's quite a luxury!!!
I can live without the r/pass. window for now, until i source a replacement motor.
The recon alternator from toyota is now fitted and also works well.
When I bought my surf, it had I think, due to the previous owners lack of on going maintenance,got beyond economical repair for him/her.
But because of the help & advice on this forum this surf may yet recover.
So although the surf's by no means perfect, its on its way to recovery.
By the way , took it off road for the first time the other day, it performed very well, without complaint into and out of two foot deep mud and water.
I'm quite impressed with it.
It fits fine and works perfectly,bearing in mind it has never worked since i've had it, it's quite a luxury!!!
I can live without the r/pass. window for now, until i source a replacement motor.
The recon alternator from toyota is now fitted and also works well.
When I bought my surf, it had I think, due to the previous owners lack of on going maintenance,got beyond economical repair for him/her.
But because of the help & advice on this forum this surf may yet recover.
So although the surf's by no means perfect, its on its way to recovery.
By the way , took it off road for the first time the other day, it performed very well, without complaint into and out of two foot deep mud and water.
I'm quite impressed with it.
