Here's a puzzler for you all out there! Got a 2.4 TD EFI K reg. Great bus. Glad I changed to Toyota from Land Rovers. Had it 2 years. Never missed a beat, dripped oil nor leaked water, but suddenly it's developed an intermittent problem - occasionally after starting for only a couple of miles until engine is warm a little bit of jerkiness from time to time and clouds and clouds of black smoke - if you dare touch the pedal! The revs tend to increase by about 150 rpm Cleaned injectors, new air filter, new fuel filter, new fuel lines as some bright spark told all this was due to an air leak. But, Hey it disappeared. Thought it was cured, but a week later it happened again, only this time I was being followed by what I could make out through the cloud of billowing black smoke to be a police car. Luckily, as usual it got less and less until it cleared. The police car passed me - looked in at the car and took off. Once it has done it first thing in the morning it will not do it for the rest of the day no matter how many times you start and stop it. I wondered if it may be a temp sensor, but my local Toyota dealer, helpful as he was, could not find some of the sensors on his microfiche! The car runs well otherwise. Anyone got any ideas out there!! Please.
