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Surf looks like it's running on coal !

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  • #16
    My Bushwacker Boyo Sir,

    You are indeed correct, I moved from a coal loving 20mpg to a bunny loving 25mpg.

    Typos always occur when you rush!

    I sit corrected.
    I am the friend of Hypno-Toad


    • #17
      Delayed black smoke release

      I have a 1991 2.4 automatic Turbo Diesel Hilux, I probably do 6 miles a day round trip to work (yes I know I probably should cycle to work), Anyway

      It has been blowing noticeably more black smoke on hard accelerations, and even more if for example I am approaching a roundabout and do not need to stop but accelerate away. No visible smoke on idle or if steady cruising (as far as I can tell). It has been like this for at least 3 years, about a year ago I had a full service done (thanks TonyN) filters and fluids replaced, it did make a difference but my paranoia and friends comments still keep me worried. I took it to a garage and they did not think it was the injectors as the black smoke release on a hard rev was not immediate but was delayed after putting foot down (ave 1 sec delay). I got recommended a new additive to use (redex did nothing for me (or my truck)) this new stuff did seem to work as for the first time in 3 years my surf made it through the MOT emissions test first time

      readings 3.10, 2.88, 2.66

      So if it is not the filters, or injectors, does anyone have any suggestions for possible areas to investigate?

      Is it down to the minimal mileage I am doing?

      Disgruntled and Paranoid of Basingstoke


      • #18
        Originally posted by sheeprus
        My Bushwacker Boyo Sir,

        You are indeed correct, I moved from a coal loving 20mpg to a bunny loving 25mpg.

        Typos always occur when you rush!

        I sit corrected.
        in which case im thinking my timing is out which I suspected for some time. when it gets into OD at low revs it judders when cold
        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


        • #19
          Originally posted by AndyBud
          I have a 1991 2.4 automatic Turbo Diesel Hilux, I probably do 6 miles a day round trip to work .

          I got recommended a new additive to use (redex did nothing for me (or my truck)) this new stuff did seem to work as for the first time in 3 years my surf made it through the MOT emissions test first time

          readings 3.10, 2.88, 2.66

          Disgruntled and Paranoid of Basingstoke
          What was the new additive................?
          Trev D.


          • #20
            Originally posted by trevdowle
            What was the new additive................?
            2 bottles (a Diesel cocktail) around £6 in total

            Unipart Gen 206 Diesel Stop smoke 280ml
            Unipart DX workshop Diesel Injector Cleaner 280ml



            • #21
              Originally posted by AndyBud
              2 bottles (a Diesel cocktail) around £6 in total

              Unipart Gen 206 Diesel Stop smoke 280ml
              Unipart DX workshop Diesel Injector Cleaner 280ml

              hold on there... ANDY BUDD???... i know another, from tadley... but he's 40... what a co-incidence!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #22
                Hi Everyone

                After I posted this thread I went to the garage and bought the red ex, I have gone to South West Scotland and ran the thing with less that 1/4 tank of fuel in it with the redex stopped at 4 garages and put in 10 quid then bottle of redex it's helped but didn't cure things Iv'e also checked my fuel consumption at 55mph and getting about 19/22mpg !! smokes really thick if it's been running in traffic and I put the accelerator down afterwards.

                Can anyone describe where to find this value thingy to clean it. I haven't used a drop of oil it's got to be fuel when I first got the truck and got head done Stevo said it was the cleanest burning Surf he'd seen so somethings gone wrong. I don't want to take it to my local garage co's I need to book holidays and find overnight accomodation if I do.

                Cheers John
                www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                • #23
                  Originally posted by da SLUG man
                  hold on there... ANDY BUDD???... i know another, from tadley... but he's 40... what a co-incidence!
                  This Andy Bud is just a bit lazy, the Bud is a downsized version of a longer Polish lastname


                  • #24
                    Sorry should have said valve thingy EGR whats it for and where do I find it.

                    Cheers all
                    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                    • #25
                      It's a device to let exhaust gasses re-enter the combustion chamber so that they get burnt a second time to stop the polar ice caps melting.

                      The pic shows the rubber pipe disconnected and blocked.
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Thanks I will give it a go the truck seems to be juddering slightly under accereration pulling away is ok but as I drive along with the engine just pulling it's juddering a bit could the cam belt have jumped a tooth! Or would this be because of all that too rich mixture unburnt fuel.

                        Cheers JB
                        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                        • #27
                          I think juddering is getting more like a slight misfire!
                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                          • #28
                            Yes there's definatley a wee miss when accelerating not huge but noticable
                            www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                            • #29
                              what could cause that?
                              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                              • #30
                                Go to be pump timming.

