brought meself a bobbox denso mod chip thingy couple weeks back. to fit it you need a connection to the live out from solenoid, 12v ignition live, a good earth/neutral connection and a link to the turbo boost sensor to the middle cable(has a speed variable voltage-needed apparently!) anyway on connection to the boost sensor noticed pipe going to it was just hangin and not connected to anything!
which means the whole time ive had my surf turbo not been working!!! yeah i thought was slow but put it down to heavy beast and old 2.4 engine! anyway now i dont know whats turbo power and whats bobbox power! wondered if any1 could post me some figures with and without the bobbox running and what difference there is i.e revs at certain speeds etc etc, i think its working cos wired it through to the cab and if i crank it up to much whilst going along i leave a huge cloud of smoke and feels like throttle sticking! but put a switch onto it but dont make any difference if its on or off! (perhaps i wired it wrong whcih would be embaressing as im a spark!!
) just after any info from any other diesel bob customers! ps any1 thinking of getting one i suggest chucking the plastic cable joiners supplied with it and soldiering get much better and guarenteed conection!!!!
thats 14 threds now chillit!

thats 14 threds now chillit!