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More Starting Problems

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  • More Starting Problems

    Hi all,

    Another Newbie with starting problems - Please help me out here as we're just about to get some snow and I'm worried with the drop in temp ,that my truck (1993 ln130 2.4td) will not start over the next few days and I'm going to miss out on all the fun to be had

    Just a quick summary of what the problems are:

    When i turn the ignition to start the pre-heat circuit on the glowplugs, the pre-heat light just won't go out. I have waited well after the beep however the light still stays on. I have tried switching off and re-trying several times but no joy. My truck was in for a recent service so I had the glowplugs changed out at the same time, however the problem is still there. I have checked the 80amp fuse in the fuse box but that looks okay. What I did notice is that in the fuse box, there is a space marked fuel heater with what looks like a relay connector block but it has nothing fitted. Is something missing from here or should there be nothing fitted as I have glowplugs? Also I can hear the glow plug relay cluncking after about 3 seconds but the dash light still does not go out.
    Can anyone give me an idiots guide of what to check for next as I am stumped - also where the glowplug relays are located etc.

    I have also added Wynns treatment to clean the injectors just in case these were fouling the plugs.

    Many thanks,


  • #2
    You dont say what it was like before you swapped out the glow plugs.
    Does the glow plug light go off after starting?

    If you dont have a fuel heater you wont have a fuel heater relay don't worry about it.
    Normally light goes off and short while after theres a click from the relay as it goes off.
    Relay on mine is on inner wing on the right hand side at the back near the bulkhead.
    A lot of problems like this seem to revolve around the order of washers etc
    try bunging "glowplugs" in search in menu bar above theres a diagram flying around somewhere.
    Hope you get sorted.


    • #3
      Yep, sounds like the glowplug insulators have been replaced in the wrong order.......



      • #4
        Thanks Guys,

        I had the same problem with the old glow plugs so it may be that the guy who replaced the old plugs put the new ones back together in the same order. The old ones were pretty much 'carboned up' suggesting they were gubbed. The pre-heat light goes out as soon as the engine eventually fires up?

        If the glow plug washers are in the wrong order will I be able to get a voltage reading from the plugs or does this break the circuit completely?

        As for the relays, do you know if there are two relays which affect the glow plugs. I have read elsewhere this is the case. If it is, can you point me in the direction of the second 'wee black relay'?


        • #5
          There are 2 plastic spacers on the post and if you don't assemble them correctly you will blow the glow plug fuse. The correct order on the post is: Blue spacer, bus bar, power connection, black spacer, washer nut. Make sure neither the bus bar nor the power connector is making any contact with the mounting post, or bye bye glow plug fuse.
          Thats from a post by Flannelmeister......
          As far as I know theres only one relay. Cant think why there would be two.
          Your beastie will eventually start without glowplugs just takes a lot of cranking...
          As long as.
          80 amp fuse ok
          relay is ok
          glowplugs ok
          insulators in right order
          The only other thing I can think of is healthy batteries to kick it over fast enough to get the compression..........


          • #6

            Even if I need tae charge the batteries every night tae start the big b@*!"^d then I'll do it, tae ensure that I don't miss the snow.


            • #7
              I have checked the voltage going to the busbar - 12volts as soon as the key is turned and then when the relay clicks it drops to 9volts. Does this sound right?

              If so, looks as if its the way the glowplugs have been connected or I have bought a duff set of plugs. Anybody know where the temperature sensor that feeds back to the pre-heat light on the dash is fitted and what it looks at?


              • #8
                Originally posted by martsco
                I have checked the voltage going to the busbar - 12volts as soon as the key is turned and then when the relay clicks it drops to 9volts. Does this sound right?

                If so, looks as if its the way the glowplugs have been connected or I have bought a duff set of plugs. Anybody know where the temperature sensor that feeds back to the pre-heat light on the dash is fitted and what it looks at?
                hi mart, i am having the bang on same effect as you ,and am watching this thread mate. and now looks like i will have to go with the new plugs too,though to be fair was advised of this earlier.
                And the volts drop off also,at the mo mine stuck on the drive covered in snow : . be very suprised if you was given duff plugs though mate.


                • #9
                  I had to replace the fuse , relay , glowplugs and strip it down again to get mine to work . correct replacement of the washers is important and its easy to blow the fuse even if you just checked it .
                  Also take the plugs out and check them with a battery that way you can see if they opperate correctly


                  • #10
                    Started better this morning - must have been the rise in temperature (about 0oC) with the snow fall overnight. Makes a change from the real frosty low temperature mornings. At least I didnae miss oot on the skid frenzy on the snow this morning. I think the 4 seasons should be changed - makes much more sense just to have 2 - summer and snow.

                    You guys have convinced me to take the plugs out and check them but reading previous posts, this sounds like a bit of a B*^"!*d with the "concrete" rubber air pipes etc. May get somebody to do it. I'll let you know how I get on.

                    Anybody know where the temp sensor that feeds back to the pre-heat light on the dash is fitted and what it is reading?


                    • #11
                      Have just tried clamping the battery terminals when turning the ignition, to see what current is being drawn before starting. At 12volts before the glow plug relay switches, I am drawing 15amps from each battery (I have the two battery pack). Is there anything else which would draw a current prior to starting other than the glowplugs? If not, does 30amps sound about right for the glowplug rating?

                      Also tried an IR temp gun on the top of the plug during pre-heating but this showed no change - suspect this is due to the distance from the tip to the exposed end connected to the busbar.

                      If 30 amps sounds about right then it looks as if my glow plugs are working but the truck is still a pig to start. Don't know why the pre-heat light on the dash is not going out though.

