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Back window trouble!

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  • Back window trouble!

    Hi folks. Not been on for a while as my surf has been running really well. But recently I have had trouble with my back window. When I put the key in the lock and turn the key to put the window down the window does go down but alot slower than normal. Then when I want to put it back up it either goes halfway and stops completely or it gets 2 inches from the top then stops. I always have to aid it up with me hand or go into the cab and use the back window button. Although the button does a better job than the key it doesn't always work. The other day I had to leave the window down all night then it worked in the morning but only with the button in the cab. Luckily I live on a farm so there wasn't much of a risk of anyone stealing anything. If anyone could help it would be great as we are going on a 4 hour trip to the in-laws for christmas and I would hate to drive all that way freezing my bo**ocks off. Cheers folks.

  • #2
    Have a read of this, and get yourself some silicone lubricant, and some copperslip grease.


    • #3
      Thanks Bushwhacker. I will certainly be trying this on my holidays as it is a rather important thing to have working. Especially as I have 2 dogs that are frequently in the back. I am always amazed that whatever problem I have someone always gives me the answer. Can I pick your brains though on another 2 queries? At this time of year its quite cold in Scotland, well freezing actually , and starting the car in the morning takes alot of time. Even with the idle button pressed it still takes a long time and there is an awful lot of smoke coming out of the exhaust. Is there anything I can do to stop this just, if nothing else, to shut the farmer up cause he thinks I've bought a ****ty car. Also whenever I drive through a large puddle the steering seems to seize. Is that normal. Thanks again.
      Last edited by PIP H; 18 December 2005, 00:53.


      • #4
        Originally posted by PIP H
        Thanks Bushwhacker. I will certainly be trying this on my holidays as it is a rather important thing to have working. Especially as I have 2 dogs that are frequently in the back. I am always amazed that whatever problem I have someone always gives me the answer. Can I pick your brains though on another 2 queries? At this time of year its quite cold in Scotland, well freezing actually , and starting the car in the morning takes alot of time. Even with the idle button pressed it still takes a long time and there is an awful lot of smoke coming out of the exhaust. Is there anything I can do to stop this just, if nothing else, to shut the farmer up cause he thinks I've bought a ****ty car. Also whenever I drive through a large puddle the steering seems to seize. Is that normal. Thanks again.
        Pip, can recommend the silican spray

        for starting I turn the key to the ignition position and leave it there for around 10 seconds before spinning the starter - works a treat, even when running veg oil

        on your second point have never had my sterring seize, even when battering puddles - and Hippo loves puddles !!!!!!!!!!!!

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Your starting problems may just be that your glowplugs need replacing.
          But try this method first; When engine is cold, i.e. first thing in the morning, switch on ignition and wait for a beeeeeeep sound. switch off and then immediately back on again and wait for the beeeep then start engine, I do this on really cold mornings and it starts better.
          The smoke is just the unburnt fuel belching out after the previous attempts to start. You could also try some of this to stop the smoke......

          p.s. What do you mean 'seizes when you go through puddles?
          Attached Files


          • #6
            O.K. I think I know what you mean now. It's probably your power steering belt. It becomes slippery when it gets wet 'cos it needs tensioning.


            • #7
              Here's another Back window thread Pip,

              French fishing at it's best www.mayennefishing.com


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                O.K. I think I know what you mean now. It's probably your power steering belt. It becomes slippery when it gets wet 'cos it needs tensioning.
                Yeah that'll be it! - now i know whats wrong with mine!!
                Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!

