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monki again sorry about this people HELP

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  • #16
    Originally posted by monki
    profile updated,
    i no there not the fastest thing on the road but when i put my foot down nothing at all happens it just dies one me

    Monki - You can check the timing yourself - its relitivly easy - do a search on here for timing belt change and you will se how.

    What garage did you use - Mine went into Centeral Auto Services over there once - they say there a specialist 4wd and surf garage - - them in one work - useless. when they had my truck (under waranty from the dealer) they took 12 weeks to replace the cam shaft - took 5 attempts to rebuild the engine and it f###ed up again within 1 week. - hope it wasn't the same one!!!

    I would say you have more than one problem as your symptoms keep changing - As i have said previously about the air in the system - this will prob have been sorted now by the injector washer.. I would recommend gettin someone who really knows surfs to actually take a look at it - i think youv'e prob exhusted us for idea's now!!!

    try contacting stevo here: http://www.yotasurf.co.uk/members_p...tevo/index.html

    or find someone in your area. If you are ever over this way there is a great garage in altrincham who I always use. they really do know tehre stuff = itrs called altrincham auto services, the guys name is craig and his number is 0161 928 8899 - porb won't do much over the phone but if oyu can get it to him he'll srt it for you

    Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!

