Originally posted by brian gillies
You could try the TPS (throttle position sensor) the internal tracks can crack and cause the problems your having. Unplug the TPS and with an analog meter measure the resistance between the pins as listed. I am going from memory, as I can’t find where I wrote them down, I did email them to a member a while ago so maybe they can pass them on, but these will give you an idea. The main thing to look for is smooth needle movement when measuring between VTA-E2 and VCC-E2 while slowly opening the throttle if the meter needle spikes up or down then there’s a good chance of the TPS being faulty.
Closed TPS VTA-E2 200-800 ohms
Closed TPS IDL-E2 <2.3K ohms
Full open TPS VTA-E2 3.3k-8k
VCC-E2 4k-8k