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MOT smoke test and bad rattles

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  • MOT smoke test and bad rattles

    Hi all,

    I'm new to the forum and have question:

    A friend of mine has recently bought a Surf SSR, it is an L plate diesel auto.

    He took it for it's MOT and the tester carried out the test, the engine has now developed a serious knocking.

    I haven't actually heard the knock myself, but it is apparently a constant knock, regardless of engine speed/load which I think rules out any bottom end problems.

    My thoughts are that either a valve has broken or some other valve train problem or that the belt has jumped a tooth and the noise is diesel knock.

    I don't know if the noise is coming from all 4 cylinders or just one as I haven't heard it running. Can anyone give any pointers for common problems on these engines (2L-TE)

    Also, is the head from a 2L compatible with the 2L-TE as he has a very sound 2L.

  • #2
    Hi Andy, welcome aboard.
    Have a read of this thread, you may find some answers there.


    • #3
      Cheers Bushwacker,

      Thanks for the link.

      I spent a couple of evenings going through the tech posts and searching for engine related problems before I posted and had already read that one

      I have spoken to the owner (who lives 90 miles away) and after asking him a few more questions have found the following:

      The knock only comes from 1 cylinder, it comes from the top end, it's running on 3 and smoking quite a bit, but it starts easily.

      I think I'm looking at a broken valve or a valve seat that has dropped out, as pump timing/diesel knock would happen on all 4

      I will be having a listen to the engine "in the flesh" on Sunday to find out for sure. I will also be able to carry out some checks such as valve clearances etc, this should help diagnose the fault. It is possible that it's an injector playing up I'll look into that too.

      Thanks for your help



      • #4
        Could be an injector gone bad on one cylinder, but also check that a valve shim hasn't popped out.


        • #5
          Cheers lucky, thats pretty much what I intend to do.

          (Bearing in mind I've never seen under the bonnett)

          as it's an EFI does this mean the injectors are electro-mechnical, if they are then I can unplug the offending injector and see if the knock stops. I realise this will upset the ECU.

          Can the ECU be reset by unplugging, I don't want to introduce error codes that can't be erased.

          Sorry for all the newbie questions, I've never worked on a Surf before. But I am happy working on normal diesel engines and petrol engines with engine managment.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Andy_Magic
            Cheers lucky, thats pretty much what I intend to do.

            (Bearing in mind I've never seen under the bonnett)

            as it's an EFI does this mean the injectors are electro-mechnical, if they are then I can unplug the offending injector and see if the knock stops. I realise this will upset the ECU.

            Can the ECU be reset by unplugging, I don't want to introduce error codes that can't be erased.

            Sorry for all the newbie questions, I've never worked on a Surf before. But I am happy working on normal diesel engines and petrol engines with engine managment.

            The injectors are purely mechanical, it's the fuel pump that is primarily controlled by the ECU, so you could crack off the fuel pipe to the injector bearing in mind however that fuel will !!!! out everywhere. That might help to diagnose however the best way is to get a diesel specialist to do a proper full flow and pressure test on them.



            • #7
              Cheers again,

              I'll crack the injector pipe off one at a time and see what happens, although I suspect that it's valve problem as it's misfiring, I can't see it diesel knocking and misfiring on the same cylinder as diesel knock is a "fire"

              I'll be having a look at it tomorrow and will know for sure, whatever it is, it's not going to be cheap!

