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HELP !! Please . Engine has just stopped ....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Trimbus
    Local garage have told me engine has seized due to no oil ! I don't think this is possible , having a second opinion at the end of week , reckon a valve has gone (hope so). Totally gutted only had Surf 6 months , paid £5000...
    Well what happened???


    • #17
      This has just happened to me. A guy at an engine recon specialists in Cardiff tells me he has seen this a few times and it is likely that the turbo blew and it pumped the oil out of the engine.
      [SIZE=2][COLOR=White]You can't have everything. Where would you put it?[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      • #18
        It piddles me off, Trimbus has had a bucketful of advice and suggestions and has disappeared off into the sunset with the answer (by now). He hasnt been online for 17 days.

        This place is a goldmine of information, pity theres few who give back in terms of their results


        • #19
          Originally posted by JimL
          It piddles me off, Trimbus has had a bucketful of advice and suggestions and has disappeared off into the sunset with the answer (by now). He hasnt been online for 17 days.

          This place is a goldmine of information, pity theres few who give back in terms of their results

          EASY JIM !!!

          I have been in hospital having operation , not easy to get to PC , as for the car I have had a new engine fitted , the problem was no oil , I had checked it 1 month before and it was fine . No warning , no noises or overheating , mechanic had seen this before on surfs ..

          ALLRIGHT JIM !!


          • #20

            (hope you're ok - good to see you did come back to see us)


            • #21
              Who let Mad Jimbob out of his room. The door is to be kept locked at all times.
              Derek :
              1990 Hilux Surf SSR Ltd
              [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]S[/U][/COLOR][/B]ave [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]U[/U][/COLOR][/B]p [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]R[/U][/COLOR][/B]eadies [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]F[/U][/COLOR][/B]ast. Cause you're gonna need them!


              • #22
                Baaaaaa !!!! leave him alone Delboy cant you see he replied ,rather sheepishly ill admit
                I always work better wet .

                Its why I became a plumber!!!

