Sorry, didn't make myself quite clear, merely quoting the Haynes manual who term the tool a 'valve lifter'. Really should be known as a bucket tappet depressor as it compresses the bucket whilst levering off the cam, so you can get the shims out without having to remove the cam.
Like you say, I've had a play on the old head and removed the cam, quick, small spray of WD40 onto offending bucket, wait a bit and gently 'wiggle' a stanley blade into bucket recess, popped out the shims a treat. Quick clean up and they look in good condition, no evidence of scoring or dishing, so I'll be looking to measure up with a micrometer and re-use.
I was hoping to get the shims on the new head out without having to access the crank pulley and slackening cam belt/opening cam, mostly 'cos I've never attemped it before with the cam 'in-situ'.
Guess it cant be too difficult though?? I'll have to do it this way if I can't get me mits on the bucket depressing tool.
Like you say, I've had a play on the old head and removed the cam, quick, small spray of WD40 onto offending bucket, wait a bit and gently 'wiggle' a stanley blade into bucket recess, popped out the shims a treat. Quick clean up and they look in good condition, no evidence of scoring or dishing, so I'll be looking to measure up with a micrometer and re-use.
I was hoping to get the shims on the new head out without having to access the crank pulley and slackening cam belt/opening cam, mostly 'cos I've never attemped it before with the cam 'in-situ'.
