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Car Name Acronyms

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  • Car Name Acronyms

    ALFA: Aging Latin F***wit's Ambulance.

    ASTON MARTIN: A Silly Toy Of Neurotic Middle Aged Rich Toffs Investing Needlessly

    AUDI: Another Useless Deutsche Invention. Obviously written by someone with first hand experience - maybe someone who had one rust away into brown air in the 70's?

    BMW: Bought My Wife; Brings Me Women; Big Money Waster; Broke My Wallet; Babe Magnet Wannabe, (and LOTS more)

    CADILLAC: Crazy And Demented Idiots Like Large American Cars.

    CHEVROLET: Can Hear Every Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips.

    CHRYSLER: Can't Have Refund, You're Stuck Leasing Edsel's Replacement.
    Company Has Recommended You Start Learning Engine Repair!

    DODGE: Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere.
    Dad's Old Dead Garage Experiment.
    Don't Over Drive Gutless Engines.

    EDSEL: Every Day Something Else Leaks.

    FIAT: Failed Italian Automotive Technology, Feeble Italian Attempt (at) Transportation; Fix It Again Tony!

    FORD: Fix Or Repair Daily; Fast Only Rolling Downhill; First (or Fails) On Race Day; Found On Road Dead; Funding Our Retirement Daily (from a mechanic`s point of view); and perhaps best of all: Driver Returning On Foot (Ford spelled backwards!)

    HOLDEN: Holes, Oil Leaks, Dents, Engine Noises; Heaps Of Loud Disgusting Engine Noises.

    HONDA: Had One Never Did Again; Hold On, 'Nother Dickhead Arriving; Happy Owners Never Drive Anywhere

    HYUNDAI: Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive;
    Hang Your UNDerwear Anywhere Inside

    ISUZU: It Sucks, Unless Zero Used

    JAGUAR: Junk Always Going Under At Repair Shop.

    JEEP: Junk Engineering Executed Poorly; Just Enough Engine Power

    KIA: Kick It Again; Keep It Away; Kill It Anyway; Kills Innocent Americans

    LOTUS: Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious.

    MAZDA: Mostly Always Zipping Dangerously Along; Made After Zero Design Analysis.

    MERCEDES: Many Expensive Repairs Can Eventually Discourage Extra Sales

    MG: Merciless Garbage; Money Guzzler; MG-B: Might Go Backwards; the new MG-F: Might Go Forwards

    MINI: Moron Inside Notably Insane

    MINIVAN: Manhood Is Nonexistent, I'm Vasectomized And Neutered.

    MITSUBISHI: Mostly In The Shop Undergoing Big Investments, Sometimes Halfway Incomplete; Motor Is Tough, Sounds Unbelievably Bad, Intimidates Slow Hondas Incessantly

    MOPAR: Move Over, Professionals Are Racing; Mostly Old Parts And Rust

    NISSAN: Needs Imminent Salvage So Abandon Now.

    OLDSMOBILE: Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Everyday; Old Ladies Drive Slow - Mostly Off Bridges Into Lake Erie!

    PLYMOUTH: Please Let Your Mother Out Under The Hood!

    PONTIAC: People On Narcotics Think It's A Cadillac

    PORSCHE: Proof Of Rich Spoilt Children Having Everything.

    SAAB: Send Another Automobile Back; Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown; Start Adding Additional Brakefluid; Sad Attempt At Beauty. Still Ain't A Beamer; Slow As A Buick!

    SUBARU: Screwed Up Beyond All Repair Usually

    SUZUKI: Space Usually Zero Unless Kids Inside

    TORANA: Tons Of Rust And No Acceleration. And the SLR variant - Slightly Less Rust

    TOYOTA: They Overcharge You On Their Accessories.

    TRIUMPH: This Really Is Unreliable Man, Please Help; Tried Repairing It Until My Parts Hurt!

    VOLVO: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object; Very Old Lazy Vehicle Owner.

    VW: Very Weird; Virtually Worthless.
    Some literary giant has also rummaged through the Roget's Thesaurus and had a go at:

    VOLKSWAGEN: Vehicle Owners - Losers Knowingly Suffering With All German Engineered Nonsense. Doesn't quite work, but a good effort!

  • #2
    SURF --- Superb Untarmacced Route Finder!
    www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


    • #3
      TOYOTA - This Orange Yells Over The Apple
      Without Surf And Unhappy


      • #4
        land rover

        acronynm in martian reads....

        poile of shoite
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          With apologies to the ladies of the forum

          After seeing Mrs High & ruddy Mighty park at the flats this afternoon :Banghead: banghead:

          BMW =Bl00dy Minded Woman

          Yes madam parked blocking the route round the parking spaces
          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            ford = found on rubbish dumps


            • #7
              Originally posted by UDTrev
              With apologies to the ladies of the forum

              After seeing Mrs High & ruddy Mighty park at the flats this afternoon :Banghead: banghead:

              BMW =Bl00dy Minded Woman

              Yes madam parked blocking the route round the parking spaces

              No apology required - some of um just shouldn't be drivin' never mind attempt to park. An they seem to get worse when they drive a 4x4.
              How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bibs
                No apology required - some of um just shouldn't be drivin' never mind attempt to park. An they seem to get worse when they drive a 4x4.

                Now now lets stop being bitchy...............I'm not a bad driver and if i was i would've never have got my class one HGV licence would I??
                I only have a problem if its mechanical faults!
                HELEN xx


                • #9
                  Originally posted by heleneaustin
                  ...I'm not a bad driver...
                  Thus you don't drive a BMW!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by heleneaustin

                    Now now lets stop being bitchy...............I'm not a bad driver and if i was i would've never have got my class one HGV licence would I??
                    I only have a problem if its mechanical faults!

                    Bibs wasnt being bitchy - any way shes a woman too! <--

