This thread is for suggestions (of a humourous nature) to improve our lot 
I will start off with half a dozen
1) We swap government for our military leaders which will hopefully bring common sense to decisions, and stop waiting for GWB's okay before we wipe our bums.
2) Camoflauge colours for political parties shall be based on their party's colours - oh dear, what a pity, red camo will lead to labour being used for target practice (before anyone says the greens can hide I will remind them that in deserts and snow fields green sticks out like a sore thumb
3) In order to protect our brave squaddies roadside bomb & mine clearing will be done by the 1st Asbo & Chav Battalion lead by that minesweeper expert David Blunkett ably assisted by John Prescott.
4) Afghanistan needs troops who are used to crossing uneven terrain so we will send the 1st Bobble Hatted Rambler Battalion to deal with that problem, they will be backed up by the 1st Illegal & Dodgy Immigrant Troop.
5) Supplies to our loyal troops (not the ones previously listed) will either be recalled to Blighty or properly supplied for the taks they face - the new troops will have to make do with what they got - nothing new there
6) Residents of Britain are British, not English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or Misplaced Muslims - if that goes against the grain then David Blunkett always needs volunteers.
So now guys it's up to you to add to new rules to make Britain Great again

I will start off with half a dozen
1) We swap government for our military leaders which will hopefully bring common sense to decisions, and stop waiting for GWB's okay before we wipe our bums.
2) Camoflauge colours for political parties shall be based on their party's colours - oh dear, what a pity, red camo will lead to labour being used for target practice (before anyone says the greens can hide I will remind them that in deserts and snow fields green sticks out like a sore thumb

3) In order to protect our brave squaddies roadside bomb & mine clearing will be done by the 1st Asbo & Chav Battalion lead by that minesweeper expert David Blunkett ably assisted by John Prescott.
4) Afghanistan needs troops who are used to crossing uneven terrain so we will send the 1st Bobble Hatted Rambler Battalion to deal with that problem, they will be backed up by the 1st Illegal & Dodgy Immigrant Troop.
5) Supplies to our loyal troops (not the ones previously listed) will either be recalled to Blighty or properly supplied for the taks they face - the new troops will have to make do with what they got - nothing new there

6) Residents of Britain are British, not English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or Misplaced Muslims - if that goes against the grain then David Blunkett always needs volunteers.
So now guys it's up to you to add to new rules to make Britain Great again