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Surf v Pajero

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  • Surf v Pajero

    I am seriously considering buying my first Surf and have found the info on this site really useful. However I have seen quite a few Pajeros for sale and I am wondering if anyone in Surfland has experience of both particularily with regard to the following:
    1 Reliability
    2 Ease of servicing/availability of spares
    3 Depreciation
    4 Off road capabilities


  • #2
    Surf v Pajero

    A lot of Pajeros for sale and not many Surfs - that should tell you something in itself!
    Seriously though, I rave on about my Gen 3, but my brother-in-law is equally passionate about his Pajero. (Poor misguided fool!!!!)


    • #3

      I pass thru Perth a lot at present twice a week: once up & one back
      ( assuming Highlands Perth & not Oz one )
      on my way up to Inverness.
      If you want a chat & see a KZN 130 send me a e-mail or Pm & i'd be only to pleased to talk dirty Surf
      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][B]SEWERAT BOB[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

      [SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen][I][COLOR=Lime][B]I just sit here & looks out to sea or if i'm really rushed then i just sits here & continues to look out to sea[/B][/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]


      • #4
        I live in Perth, so if you want to see my surf your more than welcome to come over and have a look around it.

        Are you in the city ?

        I live in Letham just up from the Driving Test centre.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Verbal
          I live in Perth, so if you want to see my surf your more than welcome to come over and have a look around it.

          Are you in the city ?

          I live in Letham just up from the Driving Test centre.
          Not driven a pajero/shogun but been a passenger in one many times. I personally don't like the seating position in the shogun, I find it has to much body roll. The rear wheel arches extend so far in the rear load area its a joke, for my purposes there wasn't enough room in the back for gear and the Surf beat it in this area by miles. My mates 98 shogun is so much more noiser than my 1990 Surf was.
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ken
            I am seriously considering buying my first Surf and have found the info on this site really useful. However I have seen quite a few Pajeros for sale and I am wondering if anyone in Surfland has experience of both particularily with regard to the following:
            1 Reliability
            2 Ease of servicing/availability of spares
            3 Depreciation
            4 Off road capabilities

            pag bad body roll and off road clearence not very good also engine for same size engine toyotas fastest i base this on i have a 2.4 td surf uncle has a 2.5 td paj tried both vehicles on and off road surf best evertime icing on cake uncle wants a swop no way so i make my arguments through proper testing
            I,LL GO FIRST NO PROB
            (i also juggle dynamite)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ken
              I am seriously considering buying my first Surf and have found the info on this site really useful. However I have seen quite a few Pajeros for sale and I am wondering if anyone in Surfland has experience of both particularily with regard to the following:

              1 Reliability
              It's a Toyota.....very reliable

              2 Ease of servicing/availability of spares
              No more difficult than any other Jap 4x4,spares availablility,ditto

              3 Depreciation
              4 Off road capabilities
              Fantastic off-road ability(3rd gen better,has a centre diff which locks all 4 wheels for better traction)the only thing that lets them down slightly off road is the overhang at the back,keep a few spare fog lamps handy.

              Powered by ????


              • #8
                I test drove quite a few of both vehicles before opting for my Surf. Like the Surfs, the Paj's etc offer a wide variety of extras, the Paj's, Shoguns etc I'm ashamed to say offer the better ones. The Paj's etc are easier to find with manual boxes and intercoolers, but I found them all to be wallowy to drive and found it a bit nauseating after a while, with the 2.5's gutlesss, but thats my opinion. I test drove a few Surfs ie 2.4's and 3.0 and all felt powerful and more stable, but I could be biased. Interior, the Surf has more room with the seats up and down and the 7 seater Shoguns, Paj's are a waste of time with limited room in the boot.......This is only my opinion though and I recommend you test drive various types and take mental notes, but I'd put money on you going for 3.0 Surf at the end of the day.


                • #9
                  Hey Ken... I used to have a 92 Pajero, 2.5 Intercooled Turbo Diesel . I liked it, but it was underpowered and noisy. I took it off road a couple of times and it did OK. I just bought a Generation III Surf, with a 3.0 Turbo diesel, and WOW, what a difference. Power galore, getting 28MPG, as the Pajero was getting 15MPG. Haven't taken the Surf off-road yet, waiting for better tyres. I prefer the Surf, all round. Just my opinion, but go drive each before you buy... Good luck, Nigel...


                  • #10
                    Surf = reliable, powerful, comfortable drive, head-turner, good looking, less common, roomy...etc

                    Pajero = farmers car


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RobD
                      4 Off road capabilities
                      Fantastic off-road ability(3rd gen better,has a centre diff which locks all 4 wheels for better traction)
                      it's actually to turn the front and rear wheels independently of each other so it's easier to use 4wd on the road... the 2nd gen is permanently locked.
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12

                        Hi in my books the "SURF" speaks for its shelf.
                        Live Life To The Full


                        • #13
                          me v her

                          got one of each (flash git) looks surf 10 paj 7 comfort surf 9 paj 8 on road not sure paj is swb off road not been playing yet
                          not bias paj is hers
                          Last edited by rollovanova; 13 November 2004, 22:01.


                          • #14
                            I don't recall the Beach Boys singing about the Pajero that much




                            • #15
                              Message for Usafric

                              How the hell do you get 28MPG from 3 ltr turbo !! Never had more than 21 and usually 18-20 although i am not a slow driver, even if i slowed down don't think i could get 28. Maybe if i pushed it. Car runs and starts perfectly, with smoke reading 1.4 which i am told is good. Beats me!
                              Its still the best car going.
                              Still Searching,
                              Dick Whittington

