The advantages of an auto when wheelin' are that it takes all the snap out of the driveline, meaning you won't break axles and other parts as easy, it has the ability to change up and down without any gaps in traction at the tyres andit won't stall no matter how slow you go leaving you time to pick a nice line though the terrain.
Dissadvantages are you will always need a battery to start the car, it can get hot if worked hard and slippery downhills are harder to go down slowly without using the brakes.
Pro and cons, just like life, never a definative answer to suit everyone!
Dissadvantages are you will always need a battery to start the car, it can get hot if worked hard and slippery downhills are harder to go down slowly without using the brakes.
Pro and cons, just like life, never a definative answer to suit everyone!
