had the surf tracked today, problem was i was getting a shudder seemingly coming from the off side front when i reached 60 mph, now both places i went to said that vibration was down to balancing, fair enough, but what prompted me to get it tracked was the fact that in two and a half months of motoring, the front tyres have gone from being perfectly even worn to feathered on the inside edges, which to me suggests toe out! the first place i went i asked if they did tracking? yes was the reply, so after a wait for a free bay for a good twenty minutes and driving my beloved into the bay i was told, we dont do imports sir!
the second place i went to was more obliging, they said that if their gauges would do the job so would they, the wheels were set to minus two, which to me means toe in, according to his book the setting ( presumably for a 4runner ) was plus or minus one, i asked him to set it to zero, as i remember someone on this site saying that is the setting for a surf, and that it is bang in the middle of his setting tolerance, as it was four wheel tracking, he set it to double zero,
but what puzzles me is the fact that two months ago both front tyres were evenly worn, there was no sign of trouble at any speed, i have done about 3000kms since then a lot of which was with the caravan on the back, and the track rod adjusters were so tight that he had to use oxy acetylene to heat them up in order to move them, so obviously the have not been altered recently, so what the h**l has happened in two and a half months?
