I know this has been much discussed and I am in favour of it, just wondering the logistics of your purchases.
Some of you state you run on 50% upwards of oil and the average tank is 60litres meaning that you use about 30 litres of oil each time you fill up. Don't people in the shop look at you wierdly
when you buy this quantity of oil every week, cos mostly it seems to be in 1 litre or 3 litre bottles meaning you would be buying a large number of them.
Just wondering is all
I know this has been much discussed and I am in favour of it, just wondering the logistics of your purchases.
Some of you state you run on 50% upwards of oil and the average tank is 60litres meaning that you use about 30 litres of oil each time you fill up. Don't people in the shop look at you wierdly
Just wondering is all