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Veg oil - Quicky

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  • Veg oil - Quicky


    I know this has been much discussed and I am in favour of it, just wondering the logistics of your purchases.

    Some of you state you run on 50% upwards of oil and the average tank is 60litres meaning that you use about 30 litres of oil each time you fill up. Don't people in the shop look at you wierdly when you buy this quantity of oil every week, cos mostly it seems to be in 1 litre or 3 litre bottles meaning you would be buying a large number of them.

    Just wondering is all

    "disinclined to acquiesce your proposition - NO"

  • #2
    Originally posted by n0rm

    I know this has been much discussed and I am in favour of it, just wondering the logistics of your purchases.

    Some of you state you run on 50% upwards of oil and the average tank is 60litres meaning that you use about 30 litres of oil each time you fill up. Don't people in the shop look at you wierdly when you buy this quantity of oil every week, cos mostly it seems to be in 1 litre or 3 litre bottles meaning you would be buying a large number of them.

    Just wondering is all

    when I buy from Lidl I buy a box of 15 1 litre bottles, but if I hit T-Quality or Wing Yip I can buy a 20 Litre Drum - trouble is Lidl are a good 4p a litre cheaper !

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Originally posted by UDTrev
      when I buy from Lidl I buy a box of 15 1 litre bottles, but if I hit T-Quality or Wing Yip I can buy a 20 Litre Drum - trouble is Lidl are a good 4p a litre cheaper !

      Lidl 4 me too, usually pick up 2 to 3 boxes at a time. Have 2 of them within a mile or so of where I live, so anytime the carparks look empty I just nip in and grap a few boxes.
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • #4
        People are just gonna assuming you have a catering van or something... Oh if only we had a local Lidl!!



        • #5
          Originally posted by Linda
          People are just gonna assuming you have a catering van or something... Oh if only we had a local Lidl!!
          Guess I never really thought too much about what they might think I was up to, as I split my purchases between the 2 near me (and another a few mile away when passing) I probably don't appear as suspect as I might otherwise.

          Most of the staff in all the lidl's here until very recently were newly imigrated workers with poor english, so unlikely to question my level of purchases
          Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


          • #6
            vege burner

            Ive invested in a two tank hot oil system for my truck. Do you run yours on just a cold mix and if so have you encountered any problems. Ive spent weeks intalling this system and I'm still scared of running it for the first time.
            Give me faith !


            • #7
              Originally posted by baggins
              Ive invested in a two tank hot oil system for my truck. Do you run yours on just a cold mix and if so have you encountered any problems. Ive spent weeks intalling this system and I'm still scared of running it for the first time.
              Give me faith !
              No twin tanks or heating here, so yup, a cold mix of up to 70% veggie is working fine for me, reducing down now to 50% or less as weather is turning colder.
              Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu

