It might be a sticky solenoid valve. To check the kickdown cable adjustment open the throttle fully and the bush on the end of the kd cable should protrude about 1mm from the rubber boot.The kd cable is the one that goes into the side of the gearbox and the other cable on the throttle spindle (silvery thingy with wheely bit on the side) is the throttle cable.
No announcement yet.
Slippy auto?
I'll switch it off and have a look. Nina will need to drive it about for a couple of days before we know if it's fixed, as she knows the truck much better than I do.
Thanks for all your help on this, I'll update in a few days to say if it's done or otherwise.
How long does it take to change the gearbox?I fancy another job I've never attempted.
Too old to care, young enough to remember
If I'm looking at the right one, it's the one nearest to me (front) as I stand at the front of the truck, that goes to the top of the throttle control?
If so, is the thing you need to check the location of, about 2mm long and the cable goes through it?
If so, when the throttle is fully open, it's about 2.5/3 cm away from the rubber bung bit, that it then retracts in to. Is this wrong, and if so, how do I adjust it?
Cheers!Too old to care, young enough to remember
I did grease the rear prop a while ago, but what I may do is stick it back on the ramp at some point and replace all the UJs, just because I have a load here, and I don't think they've been done for a while, so may as well.Too old to care, young enough to remember
To check adjustment:
You should see a rubber sleeve on the cable after the adjusting nuts where the cable goes thru the bracket at the throttle butterfly.
When you fully depress the accelerator pedal you should see the kickdown cable extend.On the cable (hidden by the rubber sleeve mentioned above when the cable is retracted) is a stopper.It is bonded onto the metal cable.
You must measure the distance that the stopper protrudes past the rubber sleeve when the throttle cable is fully open.
The distance is to be between 0 - 1 mm
If its not, the cable can be adjusted by movement of the two adjusting nuts before/after the bracket.
Things to remember are:
This is to be done with the engine OFF.
The rubber sleeve must be seated correctly on the end of the cables outer sheath.
The cable and the rubber sleeve need to be in good condition.
Over time the cable may have stretched and this will effect adjustment.
The throttle must be fully open.#Last edited by surfenstein; 1 January 2015,
Arse, bum, bugger and ########!
Looks like it's time for a new K/D cable - I've adjusted it as much as I can, and it's still at least 2cm out of the sheath with the throttle wide open.
Better start looking for a new one and instructions on fitting it.Too old to care, young enough to remember