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Anyone interested in a running 2.4 for spares or repair.

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  • #16
    Hi n welcome if ya thought ya enjoyed ya 2.4, you'll love ya 3.0l .....enjoy

    12+ Years of Surfs n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota, n no it's not spotless now !!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #17
      I've sold the vehicle now. In case it helps anyone else looking to sell, I put it on Ebay at a fixed price with the same description and photos I used in the ad on the forum. It was very honest as I didnt want to waste my time or anyone elses but it generated quite a lot of interest which suprised me. I had 6 offers ranging from a daft £350 up to 2 at the £500 asking price. In the end though it was bought by a local chap who had seen it on Ebay and came round last night to check it out. He was happy enough with what he saw and gave me the asking price too. I'm happy because thats covered most of the cost of the service, MoT and 2 new tyres.



