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Multi car insurance AGAIN!!!! groan

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  • Multi car insurance AGAIN!!!! groan

    Just had a nice chat with a rep from Admiral Insurance.

    Surf fully comp £331 ( bog standard )

    Peugeot ( I know) £ 675 !!!!

    Now the interesting bit, in the interest of fairness I decided to declare ALL the modifications from factory spec, and my mods are very very tame compared to a lot on here.

    He was not a happy bunny

    Even the mere mention of having stainless steel brake lines, and I could hear him twitching, several interruptions whilst on hold so he could confer with his supervisor, and when I mentioned " off roading"....

    In the end with anything more than a set of fluffy dice and it was a no no.
    And definitely NO off roading.

    I wonder if any of you lot have had this experience?
    I was surprised that they would cover the Surf as a Surf and yep he did actually state Toyota Surf.

  • #2
    Do they even know what a Surf is??


    • #3
      Direct line refused my insurance half way through a year due to the words 'green lane '.... If it leaves tarmac insurance is a issue ... Adrian Flux is the only one i have had any luck with all Modifications
      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


      • #4
        If your 'green laning' is on a BOAT your not strictly 'off road' are you


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          Do they even know what a Surf is??
          Hmmm yep your right even though the chap kept saying Surf apparently mine is a manual, which it isn't so yeah I guess he was referring to the pick up.

          Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
          Direct line refused my insurance half way through a year due to the words 'green lane '.... If it leaves tarmac insurance is a issue ... Adrian Flux is the only one i have had any luck with all Modifications
          I did start to get concerned when he was asking if the bull bars where factory fitted and if I could prove so......

          Originally posted by andyverran View Post
          If your 'green laning' is on a BOAT your not strictly 'off road' are you
          LOl this followed my conversation with the chap, and like Ian has just mentioned if it ain't tarmac it ain't covered.

          All a moot point now though as the Mrs did not like the Peugeot and instead wants to look at a Saab 9-5

