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Gen 3 - underbody spare wheel mechanism (pictures)

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  • Gen 3 - underbody spare wheel mechanism (pictures)

    Hi all,

    Apologies for 'new member' syndrome (filling up the boards with requests) but could anyone who has a 3rd gen hilux and the underbody spare wheel take a picture of where the mechanism sits?

    I believe it's a winch style affair but my Hilux, modified as it is, doesn't have the winching mechanism and I'm trying to work out if it's simply been removed (and if so where I should install a replacement) or if my Hilux never had an underbody spare wheel to begin with - meaning I assume that the previous owner just drove around with the wheel in the boot or didn't bother (a brave move looking at the tyres he had on it).

    I've had a hunt around on the board but the only image i've found I -think- is for a Gen 2 and i believe, perhaps wrongly, that they're slightly different in terms of how they're fitted.

    It _looks_ like there should be space for the tyre, it's just getting the damn thing to fit there!

    I suppose there's always Gaffa!


  • #2
    Talking to a chap through Breakersyard.com (GT 4x4 I believe) - He doesn't believe the 3rd gen has an underslung spare wheel winch thing at all (he thinks they're all swing arm mounted).



    • #3
      Originally posted by jesterminute View Post
      Talking to a chap through Breakersyard.com (GT 4x4 I believe) - He doesn't believe the 3rd gen has an underslung spare wheel winch thing at all (he thinks they're all swing arm mounted).

      Some do, some don't. Both of the 3rd gens that I have owned had the underslung spare. I'll try and have a look and take a pic or two to show you the mechanism. No promises, though, I haven't got anything to keep the car safely jacked up while I'm underneath so it might be difficult. As you'll find out, no doubt, though, others will be along soon to help out too. Welcome to the forum. A good, helpful bunch here.


      • #4
        Much appreciated if you get the chance. There's a space [image attached] that looks like it _should_ fit a tyre. Just none of the mechanical gubbins.

        Am i right in thinking that with a 3rd gen the mechanism is made of two or three seperate parts?
        • The bit that threads through the tyre
          The bit that's attached to the centre point of the 'bridge'
          A bit off to the side, attached to bit number 2, that you stick your windlass into to make it winch?

        Some of the few images I've seen online are a bit misleading.

        Image of my Hilux's ass attached.





        • #5
          I have both ! Under-slung and back door mounted (ooo errrr!)

          I will try and take a picture and post later - if not beaten to it by some one else first.

          It is accessed by using a long winder thing through a hole in the bumper...

          Cheers + ATVB

          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?


          • #6
            You may well beat me to taking the pics, Lightyear. It's chucking it down with hail and rain here with strong, blustery winds to make sure the cold gets to your bones.


            • #7
              Hopefully this will help
              Attached Files
              Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?


              • #8
                It does indeed - I thought it was made of more parts than I can see there. I can't quite tell as the part that joins to the cross strut camouflages in quite well but would you say it looks similar to this :



                (much thanks btw - it's been a 'hit the ground running' kind of day)


                • #9
                  or why not just ask one of the guys breaking a Surf in the parts for sale section on here if they got one
                  Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                  My 4x4
                  My choice
                  Back off


                  • #10
                    Good call. Have done that now


                    • #11
                      don't forget the handle it goes through a hole behind the tailgate :-)

                      unless it's the same handle for the jack under back seat


                      • #12
                        I'm missing a chunk of tailgate and rear bumper so I'll deal with that problem once i've got the winch system in place

