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broken conecter to alternater

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  • broken conecter to alternater

    found the problem with my alternater

    the big copper? wire that goes in the plastic bit with a bolt/stud thru it with a 10 mm nut was well frayed.

    hope this makes sense

    tried to undo nut and sheared it of below thread.

    can push wire onto broken stud and dash lights go out. engine note changes slightly too.

    can i fix this with spare parts. is the stud replaceable also the plastic bit broke ??????

    advice needed. help

  • #2
    That cable goes direct to the battery to charge it when the engine is running.

    Have you removed the lower nut? If you can, there should be enough thread left on the post to secure the cable to it.
    Re the broken plastic insulator, you could use a short piece of rubber hose instead.

    If no luck, then an alternator repairer will sort it for you. (No the easiest solution where you are)


    • #3
      its snapped of just inside the alt casing. am able shove the wire into whats left ov the plastic insulater and then shove it in the hole but this is not a fix just a temp bodge to test it.

      if i could get a goosed alt from someone ??? would it be a diy repair?

      thanks for working out my pidgin mechanical vocab


      • #4
        Hopefully someone will be along with a decent secound hand Alternator, thats the route I would go.


        • #5
          This is what I believe you need.


          Part number for the insulator is - 27387-70171



          • #6
            nev. i believe you to be corect.

            im a joiner not an alternater mechanic, thanks for the advice tho.

            fixed it with copper tube a jubilee clip some insulation tape and fuel pipe as insulaion.

            good as new !!!!!

            still on the look out for a new second hand alt

            thanks all for the onoing advice

