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Ordering Parts for my very recently acquired

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Shadyadie View Post
    No refunds, it was sold as seen.

    I really really hope the head hasn't gone

    Cause that would be me up a creek without a paddle and no money to buy a new one

    Well fingers crossed, if the head has gone that kseal will fix it, cause the bloke from Kallimex said it would.
    Get a combustion gas check done ASAP.
    Then you will know for sure.
    If you want my opinion I would check the expansion bottle levels regularly and if any loss is noticed then first start checking for leaks.
    Hose clips are a favourite especially if you are still on the factory wire style.
    Rear cab heater and pipe work is worth checking too.


    • #62
      Thanks for the advice, will keep a good eye on.

      Thankfully as of yet there isn't and real evidence of a blown head, but I really appreciate the advice of where to keep checking


      • #63
        Originally posted by shokenore View Post
        Get a combustion gas check done ASAP.
        Why bother? If the head's cracked, it's cracked. Knowing isn't going to change anything.

        It's not like Arran's big enough to mean a massive recovery bill wherever it gives up, if it even does. Given the sort of distances it'll likely be going, it'll probably never get hot enough to puke anyway.


        • #64
          As you state Arran is not that large, however if the truck gets on a ferry.....
          Would you not want to know that your newly purchased vehicle is a potential money pit? I for one would be interested in knowing if the vehicle was passing combustion gases into the coolant system, whether armed with this information there was a chance for some compensation from the garage that sold it.
          I would be pretty fcuked off with the garage, especially if they sold the vehicle on knowing there was a problem.


          • #65
            There's no need to be that paranoid, driving is supposed to be fun, not a constant worry everytime you press the throttle.

            The Toyota temp gauge on the 3.0 is just fine for day to day use, it's actually designed not to move around and scare the crap out of you every time you go up a hill, it'll start to rise when things get hot enough to need your attention, usually the amount of coolant loss is very small, especially aorund town so you can easily stop and top it up, or even get home if you notice things are getting warmer than usual when under load as the coolant level gets lower.

            The people with 2.4's need to know what's going more as the sender is high up on the cooling system so you don't have to lose a lot of coolant till the sensor is out of the coolant and not reading accuratly.

            You can use a truck with the usual cracked head for ages, especially locally, just keep it topped up, you'll only damage it more if you let it run out of cooant and actually overheat properly. I've know people in denial for months still using their truck like normal before finally getting it fixed.

            Just check the coolant level for a few days, get to know where the temp gauge usually sits, and see what happens. There is nothing much so far to suspect you've got a problem.

            Well fingers crossed, if the head has gone that kseal will fix it, cause the bloke from Kallimex said it would.
            You're being ironic I hope? You can't be that gullable?...
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #66
              Originally posted by shokenore View Post
              Let's all hope that the Mayan's got it all wrong and we don't get incinerated by Planet X or whatever else has been predicted so we can all celebrate many more festive holiday periods, including all the bah humbugs and Scrooges wherever they may be (Cuba included)
              Planet X was a good record shop, but it's not going to incinerate anyone.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #67
                took the hilux over to the mainland and am happy to report the temperature gauge sat just a smidge below centre on the motorway and through glasgow centre.
                I have fitted the new drop link and steering idler and the knocking has now stopped, weirdly the alternator is now kicking out about 13,6 volts compared with the 12.2 when it as at the garage last week.

                couple of things to get used to compared to driving my old Range rover classic
                Have to go slower round tight corners when the road is wet RR had traction control, and more care when braking in the wet as RR had ABS. But the hilux has more power and is not falling apart.

                Thanks for all the advice and merry christmas

