Buying the wife a Rav 4 this week, anyone had any experience with these?
Any advice on what to check on these, according to tinternet they are pretty bullet proof but would appreciate any wisdom/pointers that may help me when checking it over.
As for me, I dropped the 350z idea and went Mr middle aged Audi a4 s line. I have known the car since it was new so happy with the history.
They are both black so will fit with my heap of a Surf, well until I chop it up and paint it primer grey.
Any advice on what to check on these, according to tinternet they are pretty bullet proof but would appreciate any wisdom/pointers that may help me when checking it over.
As for me, I dropped the 350z idea and went Mr middle aged Audi a4 s line. I have known the car since it was new so happy with the history.
They are both black so will fit with my heap of a Surf, well until I chop it up and paint it primer grey.