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@ sewerat bob

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  • @ sewerat bob

    while i remember... the place we got a depot near glasgow is Milngavie... and i have been there! hehehe!!!... memory like a sieve! (or however you spell SIV!)
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    Thats the place you said was spelt different to how it was spoken

    Its just north of Glasgow, when you come north again Matt give me a bell, i think you have my mobile.

    And for god sake bring some pennies this time,

    Sewerat Bob
    [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][B]SEWERAT BOB[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

    [SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen][I][COLOR=Lime][B]I just sit here & looks out to sea or if i'm really rushed then i just sits here & continues to look out to sea[/B][/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]


    • #3
      Only three weeks late Matt!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by dabigman
        while i remember... the place we got a depot near glasgow is Milngavie... and i have been there! hehehe!!!... memory like a sieve! (or however you spell SIV!)
        I remember staying in a hotel in Milngavie (The Thistle Black Bush I think or something like that). I was only told the address and didn't have it written down. Drove round Glasgow for about 2 1/2 hours trying to find signs to Mulguy until I twigged that maybe it wasn't spelt like that and headed off in the direction of the first place I found that began with M, lucky it was the right place. This was before the days of Mobile phones so you could ring up the Hotel and ask where the H**l they are.



        • #5
          Originally posted by lucky
          I remember staying in a hotel in Milngavie (The Thistle Black Bush I think or something like that). Cheers
          yeah, and what was the hotel called?
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            yeah, i've heard about that "palace", got raided the other week by the

            Had naked Pole dancers

            And im part of de management staying their

            He he he he

            Posted Anon
            [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][B]SEWERAT BOB[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

            [SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen][I][COLOR=Lime][B]I just sit here & looks out to sea or if i'm really rushed then i just sits here & continues to look out to sea[/B][/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

