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What did I do with it?

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  • What did I do with it?

    I have one of these I am restoring.


    Now I need the leadscrew. Can anyone tell me where I put it?


  • #2
    Well.......................... .............................. ..............

    It`s quite late here, I clicked on your link but it was all written in tiny little letters with big words, apparently my glasses have malfunctioned and I can only see things that are 2 inches or less away from me, I lost interest in reading it very quickly

    Have you checked down the back of the sofa?


    • #3
      Originally posted by JD_975 View Post

      Have you checked down the back of the sofa?
      No, don't have a sofa. Pretty sure it's where I last put it unless it grew legs and walked away. I know it's in a safe place.



      • #4
        Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
        No, don't have a sofa. Pretty sure it's where I last put it unless it grew legs and walked away. I know it's in a safe place.

        You only have yourself to blame then, you really should have got a sofa, if you had got one thats almost certainly where it would have been!

        I have no sympathy


        • #5
          Thanks guys. Found it. It was in the last place I put it and right where I already looked a dozen times.



          • #6
            Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
            Thanks guys. Found it. It was in the last place I put it and right where I already looked a dozen times.

            Was it in one of the drawers, in the bureau ?
            " Time wounds all heels ".


            • #7
              No, standing in a corner near the bedroom door hiding behind a few other things there.

              Now can you tell me if there is anywhere in the world I can buy a MT1.5. Thats between a MT1 and an MT2 which are common Morse Tapers. This lathe apparently has MT1.5 in the spindle.



              • #8
                Some reading here:

                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                  Thanks mate but everyone suggests that link which I know about. Somehow makes me wonder if it really is a Morse Taper. A Jarno taper may be close but I will have to measure it sometime. Doubt the Japanes would use a Brown and Sharp taper. Maybe a Metric Taper of some sort though. Not an easy thing to measure.



                  • #10
                    Matt suggests this one: http://www.newmantools.com/tech

                    No idea if this might be of any use, but includes info for another possibility, the Jacob's taper, plus a Yank based taper. One of those might come close.
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #11
                      Another suggestion:

                      Another option might be nipping into any form of tool hire or tool repair place near him and seeing if they have a stash of tapers he can test with. They tend to keep some really esoteric stuff knocking about just incase they might ever find a use for it, if they're owt like one I know of around here.
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

