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For Members who lamp bunnies etc.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Bogus View Post
    Youve read the book
    Youve seen the movie
    You loved the song ( bright eyes)

    Now try the stew.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Apache View Post
      Just like night beach fishing on your own.

      I used to take a hip flask of scotch with me (beach 20 mins walk from house so didn't need car) and frequently be quite lax about changing my bait because just sitting there contemplating the moonlight on the water was as pleasurable as catching the next evening meal!

      It was fun, even though it resulted in killing. Does that make me a bad person, or is it only cute furry food we are squeamish about?
      I take a flask of tea instead as I dont think drink driving with a firearm would go down well with plod.
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #33
        Aye this is how it all starts. First your pulling the dogs ears and poking its eyes. Then as you get older, during your primary school years, its pulling wings off butterflies and moths. Secondary school, and its shooting things with a BB gun , maybe blowing up frogs. Then you graduate to lamping bunnies all the while telling everyone, that its not fun, you dont like doing it, but its necessary. Before you know it you are up there in a bell tower somewhere, looking through cross hairs, a couple of bodies on view,police everywhere, area below cordoned off.
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        • #34
          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
          Why do people think everyone gets off on killing, we shoot bunnies cos they are out control around here digging huge warrens that are a danger to the horses legs and eat all the grass and everything else in sight.

          We or the dogs eat the bunnies we shoot, very few get wasted

          They get dispatched as quickly and humanely as possible, its not 'fun'.
          My point exactly,
          if it got to be done do it, sadly tho there are those who do it for pure enjoyment, mayby not rabbits but certainly pheasants and the like, my son goes on "shoots" and some of the "upper class people" that pay to shoot and are totally useless at it beggers belief, many a time he's had to finish off an injured bird or the dogs have, on one occaision when there were few adult birds to be flushed these scumbags went to the young bird pens and shot the poor sods running about in the breeding pens, this was so the paying ~"guests" got some shooting in and wouldn't be dissapointed and want their money back!!!
          i would prefer to go shooting these c##ts rather than the birds,

          Bogus!! on form as useual mate, nice one
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #35
            "They get dispatched as quickly and humanely as possible, its not 'fun'."

            Agree with that there are times a cull is needed to control numbers or even for food thats ok...it those who see killing as a sport for entertainment, I have seen the corpses of creatures who were wounded and must have had an agonising death drawn out over a number of days.

            Back in the day Baby


            • #36
              I can't imagine shooting something for 'fun' alone - but - if you are planning on eating said bunnies, deer or whatever, are you not allowed to enjoy the challenge of tracking / shooting?

              I always fancied getting myself up to speed with a bow, and then trying rabbiting with that. The challenge would be enjoyable, as would the ensuing BBQ

              I do think it's slightly hippocritical to eat the rabbit that someone else has killed for you, whilst denigrating those who actually kill that rabbit.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #37
                What is 'Lamping'?
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #38
                  "Lamping" as discussed here involves shining a bright lamp into the eyes of a distant rabbit, which causes the rabbit to become paralysed, and then either shooting it or letting a trained dog take it (trained to come at the rabbit blindside), which was how my mates used to do it. They did eat what they caught.
                  Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™


                  • #39
                    Soap opera/Jeremy Kyle mentality with it's inability to see any kind of balance is what I find most worrying. I personally don't have a problem with killing as long as it's to feed, clothe (if essential) and to protect you and yours.

                    Animal rights activists releasing 1000s of Mink into the wild from a fur farm didn't give much thought to the "rights" of the wildlife in the area.

                    Anti hunt campaigners being ignorant of Fox hunting with lamps. On average 1 in 10 hound hunts end with a kill. While lamping Foxes many more that 1 Fox is killed in any one night.

                    The treatment of barn reared animals that go to EU sanctioned slaughter houses is far from humane and prevents any natural behaviour on the animals part.

                    On balance I'd rather eat an animal killed cleanly and quickly which has had as close to a natural life as possible than one force grown and kept in pens all its life and again at the slaughter house for sometimes days. Animals are far from stupid, they know what's coming, a case in point are the Tamworth Two (still alive down the road from me).

                    I know which tastes better.


                    • #40
                      Field sports are OK, unless they are done by posh people. Then they are barbaric.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                        Field sports are OK, unless they are done by posh people. Then they are barbaric.
                        Absolutely sir!!

                        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                          Field sports are OK, unless they are done by posh people. Then they are barbaric.
                          What ho old bean. Tally HO !! Sport, is generally considered to be something that is done for "fun" Our bunny lampers are all claiming its for the pot or to save the countryside from being destroyed,and that its not fun at all. Anybody who goes round killing bunnies or foxes or any other fluffy or feathery things and calling it a Field Sport , well they are doing it for fun and have to be looked on as a bit "shady" if not as complete nutters and bloodthirsty killers.
                          Cross hairs/ bell tower next ?
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                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                            What ho old bean. Tally HO !! Sport, is generally considered to be something that is done for "fun" Our bunny lampers are all claiming its for the pot or to save the countryside from being destroyed,and that its not fun at all. Anybody who goes round killing bunnies or foxes or any other fluffy or feathery things and calling it a Field Sport , well they are doing it for fun and have to be looked on as a bit "shady" if not as complete nutters and bloodthirsty killers.
                            Cross hairs/ bell tower next ?
                            Cross hairs and bell towers are soo 80's
                            You need to 'blazin wit ya crew in your lo lo 5 0 sprayin wit yo glock9"
                            Bi atch Spect.😜


                            • #44
                              Blimey this has got a bit emotive. Each is entitled to their opinion though.

                              Vermin control, like it or not, has to be undertaken. I don't get any particular kick out of shooting animals but I enjoy eating them & being out hunting.
                              I shoot rabbit with headshots using hollowpoint .22LR, the animals die instantly. They're prepped for the pot/freezer in the field, unless they are mixi, in which case they are buried.

                              Andy, Hunting with bows n' arras is an absolute no-no legally & morally, for good reason - it's almost impossible to achieve a clean kill.

                              Whilst on the subject of shooting, does anyone on the forum use a .243 Howa?
                              If so, any comments on the gun would be appreciated.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by shokenore View Post
                                Cross hairs and bell towers are soo 80's
                                You need to 'blazin wit ya crew in your lo lo 5 0 sprayin wit yo glock9"
                                Bi atch Spect.😜
                                Gangsta/rap culture, drive by shootings etc are also alright, unless it is posh people pretending to be gangsta. Then it is just irritating.

