I must live in a bad area. Last night someone stole both wing mirror casings and the passenger mirror glass from my mums Astra (motability vehicle, whilst parked in a disabled bay)! What kind of scum bag does this in the first place let alone to a dis-abled person.
She reported it to the police who then told her she must not drive the vehicle as it will be illegal on public roads. I get home to find that the driver mirror is there so as far as I am aware this is perfectly legal?
She's been walking out in the rain as shes been too worried to drive it. This is the second time someone has stole the mirror casings.
I'm in the process of fitting up security cameras (only £50 from Ebuyer); But they've beaten me.
All that is required to be legal is the drivers mirror, is this correct? Right now all that is missing is the passenger mirror.
She reported it to the police who then told her she must not drive the vehicle as it will be illegal on public roads. I get home to find that the driver mirror is there so as far as I am aware this is perfectly legal?
I'm in the process of fitting up security cameras (only £50 from Ebuyer); But they've beaten me.
All that is required to be legal is the drivers mirror, is this correct? Right now all that is missing is the passenger mirror.