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WTF is going on

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  • WTF is going on

    Been a spate of robberies round here, not on my scummy council estate but all the posh folks are getting well taken.There`s a selection of smack dealers who frequent the various shops as well as a thriving trade up the motorway polluting Scotland with the sh1t but put all that on hold. Someone shouted something at a footballer who promptly burst into tears, told the ref, made a complaint to the busys (police) who started an investigation and have now arrested someone. Now i dont know what was shouted at the guy maybe it was as extreme as Your Mother Is a Hamster and Your Father Smells of Elderberries but crying in front of a stadium full of people then telling sir. Someone shouts something at you, ignore it or jump into the crowd and give him a flying drop kick like Eric Cantona done so impressively back in the day

  • #2
    I think a man racially abused another man in front of thousands of witnesses and the victim has since made a complaint to the police. I really, honestly, can't see what could possibly be wrong with that.


    • #3
      Very strange that, it's almost like it was planned after the Suarez affair.
      And I totally agree, there are a lot worse crimes to be investigated.
      Cars without tax discs for example.

      Last edited by slobodan; 9 January 2012, 12:18.
      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        Originally posted by slobodan View Post
        Very strange that, it's almost like it was planned after the Suarez affair.
        And I totally agree, there are a lot worse crimes to be investigated.
        Cars without tax discs for example.

        If its not broke don't fix it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
          Been a spate of robberies round here, not on my scummy council estate but all the posh folks are getting well taken.There`s a selection of smack dealers who frequent the various shops as well as a thriving trade up the motorway polluting Scotland with the sh1t but put all that on hold. Someone shouted something at a footballer who promptly burst into tears, told the ref, made a complaint to the busys (police) who started an investigation and have now arrested someone. Now i dont know what was shouted at the guy maybe it was as extreme as Your Mother Is a Hamster and Your Father Smells of Elderberries but crying in front of a stadium full of people then telling sir. Someone shouts something at you, ignore it or jump into the crowd and give him a flying drop kick like Eric Cantona done so impressively back in the day

          I saw that on the news and I thought it was a wind up. What a feckin' pussy!
          I see Jeremy Clarkson has upset the blanket-over-the-knees brigade again. Do these people watch TV just to see if there might be something 'controversial' to complain about?


          • #6
            Originally posted by slobodan View Post
            Cars without tax discs for example.
            It was my 'bike.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sancho View Post
              I think a man racially abused another man in front of thousands of witnesses and the victim has since made a complaint to the police. I really, honestly, can't see what could possibly be wrong with that.
              I`ve got no problem with anyone in the world coming to live here and if that man has been racially abused and feels it is a matter for the law then it should be dealt with by the police and put on the list of things that they need to deal with in order of importance. Murder, Rape, Burglary, Heroin dealing. I`ve no doubt all of these things and more have happened round here in the past three days and when all of these other crimes have at least been investigated then the bigot should be brought to account. I do however think that it would of been better for him to just ignore it, ignore them for long enough and they`ll just fade out. It might take a while but right now i`ve got no doubt that Mr Bigot is a hero amongst his bigot mates and this event has encouraged the problem


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                What a feckin' pussy!
                Couldn`t of put it better myself


                • #9
                  It does seem to be setting a trend, John Terry on his way to court next month.
                  Patrice Evra shown in a video singing "I'm a Moth** f****** n*****" then getting Suarez fined and banned for allegedly calling him a negro.
                  Football always was a working mans (persons) sport and if you attend a football match then you will hear some offensive shouting etc.
                  The footballers themselves are usually the worst culprits.
                  Better that people can go to a match and vent their frustrations there and unwind for an hour or so, than do it out in the street.

                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
                    I`ve got no problem with anyone in the world coming to live here and if that man has been racially abused and feels it is a matter for the law then it should be dealt with by the police and put on the list of things that they need to deal with in order of importance. Murder, Rape, Burglary, Heroin dealing. I`ve no doubt all of these things and more have happened round here in the past three days and when all of these other crimes have at least been investigated then the bigot should be brought to account. I do however think that it would of been better for him to just ignore it, ignore them for long enough and they`ll just fade out. It might take a while but right now i`ve got no doubt that Mr Bigot is a hero amongst his bigot mates and this event has encouraged the problem
                    He didn't "come to live here", he's from Norwich.

                    If you can find the police a murder with 40,000 witnesses and TV footage, I'm sure they'll investigate that first....

                    Letting that sort of thing slide is not the best idea. Get a bunch of halfwits and let them think it's all OK and you get another Stephen Lawrence.


                    • #11
                      A few years ago a few of us went upto the Nevis range snowboarding. we went to some little pub and there was some guy at the bar ridiculing people from Glasgow. that was until i went upto the bar and opened my mouth then suddenly all of Scotland was united against his new enemy. Not against the English but against scousers. Pointing out to him that my family came from Scotland just made matters worse so i went for ignoring him and sure enough he got bored and went on some other rant. The same happens in numerous parts of this country. Cockney`s, Brummies, Manc`s, Taffs to name but a few. We`ve all had stress for coming from wherever we come from. So what do we all do. Complain to the police. Its just political correctness combined with the need to sell the news. Someone gives you stress then do something about it yourself or ignore it unless its a serious crime. I`m afraid i dont consider name calling to be a serious enough crime to be the top priority not with all the other stuff going on. And for fecks sake, bursting into tears. If thats not playing to the crowd then what is.
                      When i was in junior school some lad who i used to call pig farm due to his dad being a pig farmer used to call me dead dad, yep you`ve guessed it. Because my dad was dead. If that didn`t make a four year old cry what is a grown man doing bursting into tears whatever he is called. Playing for attention thats what


                      • #12
                        Sorry, forgot you're a scouser.

                        To answer the real question, yes, it is tremendously unfair that you haven't own the league for twenty years and it is DEFINITELY because the whole world is against you.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                          Sorry, forgot you're a scouser.

                          To answer the real question, yes, it is tremendously unfair that you haven't own the league for twenty years and it is DEFINITELY because the whole world is against you.
                          And Heysel wasn't their fault, nor was Hillsborough.
                          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                            And Heysel wasn't their fault, nor was Hillsborough.
                            Yes but they don't go on about the things that were said about them following those tragedies - they have more important things to worry about like murder and, err, oh wait a minute...


                            • #15
                              Interestingly enough, my wife's friend who lives up your neck of the woods (Anfield) was broken in to today. The shits took her kids iPods and laptops, and just for good measure smashed her house up.

                              I was walking home from work tonight and near work (the more pikey end of town) passed a bunch of kids sitting in a bush shelter. One of them flicked a fag end at me as I walked past. He was as f*cking bold a brass and stood up to me when I gave him a bit of a mouthful. All of 15 years old. Who'd be the one with the criminal record if I gave him a smack?

                              H G Wells was spot on. Society is devolving into two distinct species. The scum are untouchable, and they know it.
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

