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London Low Emissions Zone - help me!!!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
    Apart from the forum link being wrong! lol


    I'll take the dot out from between hilux and surf and send a correction - no idea why I didn't just cut and paste.


    • #47
      Perfect; nice one!


      • #48
        So, after being told "those 8 Surfs are estates, yours is a LUV" and getting my logbook back, I discovered that the infallible DVLA have the make of my vehicle down as "Toyota Hi-Lux Surf" and, of course, the body type is still wrong...

        I drew a big circle round "Toyota" and then an arrow leading to make, and the same for "Hi-Lux Surf" with an arrow leading to model, and I wrote "estate" in the box and sent it back.

        Two days later I received a letter from DVLA telling me that they had returned my logbook to me and that they wouldn't change it to an estate without letterheaded paper from Toyota. Why they didn't put this letter in with the logbook (which was already on its way back to them!) is anyone's guess.

        I am expecting to have to return the logbook again, though not just for the body type. They'll be getting a lecture on improper hyphenation, next...

        However, all is good in my world; in the interim, this has happened:


        • #49
          Hi Guys
          Sorry to see you are having issues with the LEZ..I feel your pain!

          Without going into details I do have a number of contacts within TFL and again without wanting to bore anyone..I have been dealing with the LEZ since it started.

          I am inside TFL with my contacts, possibly I could try and smooth a few issues over?
          I haven't read the whole of this thread but I know basically what is the problem..computor say's no! Very frustrating.

          I have dealt with Anne Marie at DVLA...spot on woman and sorts out the problems and treats you as a human being.

          If I can be of assistance let me know.


          • #50
            Nice one risky although I don't have the problem myself I'm sure your post will give some of us a little hope lol
            Yes it's a V8, don't you know I'm loco?


            • #51
              The LEZ is a load of tosh, riddled with mistakes, achieves next to nothing and causes misery in terms of expense and interferes with going about your normal routine.
              I've argued the fight to get issues with the LEZ changed for a long time..TFL are hopeless to deal with. In the last 10 months I have caused TFL a few problems and recently they finally sorted out the Ford Transit issue. Not taking the credit for that but I had them by the Bollloxs with a few cases and strangely enough the website altered..funny that!

              I have a few people moaning in Westminster too, regularly. Boris is aware there are serious problems with the LEZ and it is clear he has no idea what to do. It is only going to get worse for him come January 3rd 2012.
              All the problems will soon be shown up in the media. We've already had the plight of the Ice Cream vans in the Evening standard and we're working on a few more sources to really rock Boris's boat in the coming elections...how dare he upset the Hilux and surf owners!
              Whatever happens the fight is far from over. All these DPF problems are being hushed up...watch this space, Boris and TFL are gonna get a rocket up their arrisses in 2012.


              • #52
                I think we should protest well get as many hilux's up London one day and drive around in formation hold up all the lanes cause mayhem, of course it won't bother boris he rides a bike. (when I typed boris my predictive text on my phone changed it to virus lol sounds about right).
                Yes it's a V8, don't you know I'm loco?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by AlexKzn130 View Post
                  I think we should protest well get as many hilux's up London one day and drive around in formation hold up all the lanes cause mayhem, of course it won't bother boris he rides a bike. (when I typed boris my predictive text on my phone changed it to virus lol sounds about right).
                  Much as it would be a giggle to have a "hilux" meet and a bimble around London it would achieve nothing. Boris and TFL are blind to this and only see or hear what they want to.
                  Myself and a few others organised a protest drive against the LEZ and another issue that is hitting the recovery industry. Considering it was put together in just over 2 weeks it wasn't a bad turnout. We stretched over a mile on the M25 with a gap between our trucks. The biggest trucks was parked around the corner from where we came out from..it was pretty impressive...achieved sod all though!


                  I'm still heavily involved with bringing this to the forefront of the media. It's not a sexy subject as they put it but it really is a pain in the arse for those affected by it.
                  The fight is now turning into "I told you so". Now that this hits a whole lot more vehicles it will highlight the problems it causes people. Schools, Charities, St Johns Ambulance etc...all screwed and what makes it worse is the filters don't work unless you get the temps up...hardly likely within the M25..the very area the LEZ is covering..CRAZY idea.


                  • #54
                    That's a pretty good effort well done, but ur right the gov don't give a monkeys.

                    Shame really
                    Yes it's a V8, don't you know I'm loco?


                    • #55
                      If you want to use our reg number your welcome to, ours was imported and registered as a 4x4 light utility and we got it changed by the DVLA over to Estate car a few months ago.

                      I gave up trying to do it the official way and simply kept sending the V5 back saying there was a mistake on it, eventually they sent me a letter asking for photos, and then changed it over for us. Guess I got lucky and got someone sensible.


                      • #56

                        I got a letter from the DVLA today.

                        I opened the envelope to find a new V5C was inside...with the body type correctly amended to "ESTATE".

                        It would appear that writing rude letters to the CEO of the DVLA does work after all.

                        They still have the make as "Toyota Hilux Surf" (no hyphenation, though) but, all things considered, I think I'll not worry about that any more.
                        Last edited by MadcapMagician; 30 January 2012, 10:44.


                        • #57
                          They had him on a consumer/news program I was watching once about some other dvla issue, he came across as a real proper knob, so if those under him are of lesser intellect its no wonder the shit caused for motorists.

                          I reckon the trouble with government depts now is they operate as a business, but instead of a businessman running the show you get the same old civil service goon interpreting how to run a business without knowledge of the private sector, if it wasn't publicly funded they'de soon be out of work. H


                          • #58
                            ...and, of course, it would be far too efficient of them to've put this in the same envelope:

                            If anyone needs a fully viewable copy of this for their own battle with the DVLA, drop me an email and I'll send it over.



                            • #59
                              L E Zones

                              Thankyou guys lots of good info will contact the DVLA as soon as poss fingers crossed will let you know the outcome thanks again Paul.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Grey squirrell View Post
                                will contact the DVLA
                                You should address it to Susan Cameron VC4 D4 - that's actually her department or location or whatever at DVLA, not a reference specific to my case.

