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Some IDIOT has driven it back up there

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  • #16
    Originally posted by meooo View Post
    Interesting that they complain about all the damage the 'evil' 4x4 causes and then happily admit the paths are labour intensive and expensive to maintain, this being required by the erosion and damage caused by the tens of thousands of ramblers!!!


    • #17
      Jeezus Thrify its getting harder and harder to stick up for you, apart from the general harmless rubbish you normally spout of an evening, which even you must have spotted is winding people up enough as it is, you then start on the one subject that will justifiably get you on almost every members shit list.

      Land use and abuse by people (be it riders, drivers, walkers, etc..) in the one subject people who want to drive offroad recreationally take seriously and there is no room for any screwing around or sticking up for someone giving us a bad name.

      This guy needs his truck taken off him, a big fine, and blackballed from any 4x4 club or offroad site very publically.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #18

        Why this guy is being slated is beyond me. Everyone should be allowed to do whatever they like. Drive anywhere, through anything. Shit in the street. Loot shops. yeah!!! Anarchy maaan!

        If you get the impression I'm taking the p1ss - you'd be right.

        Can you imagine what Snowdon would look like if you were allowed to drive up it? It's car free for the same reason The Malvern Hills are car free. Despite 8 or 9 years or Surf ownership, and doing quite a lot of green laning for a time, I welcome the stance the authorities take in keeping some areas free of motor vehicles, and would fight any change of access to the hills near me. It's busy enough up there of a summer weekend without the addition of lazy f*ckers in cars parking up there too!

        There's plenty of places to go laning, and plenty of pay and play, though the former is guaranteed to reduce thanks to tw@ts like him who think the rules don't (or shouldn't) apply to him.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          Originally posted by Thrifty
          call me reckless but i would have driven the car up there, if i had felt like it at the time. probably would have trespassed but. who is to say thats wrong.the person that owns the land or the people who think its wrong. if it wa smy land i would have had a giggle about it. thats the difference. not got all arsey about it like in this case.
          I still don't like you...
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #20
            When I first saw the pics of the blokes first run up the mountain my INITIAL thought was "what a buzz" and "lucky #######", Then looking further into the subject it became very apparent that the bloke and all his supporters are actually douchebags "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=douche%20bag"
            I hope that anyone with a 4x4 dirt bike mountain bike tells everyone what they think of this douchebag .
            The reason why we have laws and regulations are to protect the douchebags from themselves.

            I quite enjoy seeing OUR countryside whether that be from my truck my dirt bike or from my hitec's depending on what is permitted and sensible.

            Douchebags like him should not be allowed the privilige and yes I hope that the courts make sure that no one else thinks that driving up Snowdon is a good idea.

            Just because you are allowed an opinon does not mean you are right.


            • #21
              If your not familiar with Snowdonia, and how it avoided being being ruined a few years ago then please read.


              BTW I live where Snowdonia is, The train track is something I could drive a clapped out mini up; hardly a 4x4 thriumph, but heres the thing. A train needs to run up and down that track trains and car on tracks don't mix well.

              Just google train v car

              People walk it everyday either side of it is not safe in the least. Have a look at it on memorymap in 3d and you'll see what I mean.

              All this is doing is making harder for regular 4x4 users to go anywhere, in the end this will get hyped by the media and lanes will be closed more often and remain closed slippery public-opinion slope.

              Just a locals two pence.

              Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



              • #22
                Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                Jeezus Thrify its getting harder and harder to stick up for you, apart from the general harmless rubbish you normally spout of an evening, which even you must have spotted is winding people up enough as it is, you then start on the one subject that will justifiably get you on almost every members shit list.

                Land use and abuse by people (be it riders, drivers, walkers, etc..) in the one subject people who want to drive offroad recreationally take seriously and there is no room for any screwing around or sticking up for someone giving us a bad name.

                This guy needs his truck taken off him, a big fine, and blackballed from any 4x4 club or offroad site very publically.
                He WAS a member of FOG, but tried some stupid stunt on there and was kicked off. The MODS there have made it perfectly clear that he is no longer associated with them....just glad he didn't buy any stickers before he went,
                What have I told you about thinking Erroll


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Calos View Post
                  Just a locals two pence.

                  Don't feel so marginalised Cal. Most of us know what you're on about. I lived in Snowdonia for 11 years and wouldn't want cnuts like him driving around unchecked either.

                  Liike I've said before, greenlaners are fooked. It's a tragedy, but the tide is against. The days of the 4x4 are numbered. The decay started with the soft roader - the X5, the Cayenne. The tree huggers saw them and thought 'what is the feckin point' (as did the rest of us) and now the 4x4 with ability to go places is forgotten, replaced by cocks in 2011 BMW Freeloaders and such which could barely traverse a wet field.

                  I believe we've seen the glory days of laning when you could wild camp and enjoy beers with like minded mates and enrage no-one. Now we have tits like the snowdon bloke and people who buy an X5 to match their 'dangerous dog'.

                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Thrifty

                    sorry i thought it was worth posting but yet again i will get slanted for it
                    And you wonder why?

                    There are no Byways or roads up Mount Snowden, just footpaths and bridleways. Thats it, its easy.

                    Even cyclists are banned from the bridleways between May and Sept during the day.
                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                      And you wonder why?

                      There are no Byways or roads up Mount Snowden, just footpaths and bridleways. Thats it, its easy.

                      Even cyclists are banned from the bridleways between May and Sept during the day.
                      Tony............. two short planks comes to mind in this case they are both over 6 inches thick
                      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
                        Tony............. two short planks comes to mind in this case they are both over 6 inches thick
                        The question is - can you make a coffee table out of the planks?!


                        • #27
                          I've resisted thus far...

                          Thrifty. It's illegal to drive up snowdon. In the same way it's illegal to steal things during riots, or indeed have the riots.
                          Stop pi$$ing everyone off.
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                            I've resisted thus far...

                            Thrifty. It's illegal to drive up snowdon. In the same way it's illegal to steal things during riots, or indeed have the riots.
                            Stop pi$$ing everyone off.
                            Has he had a yellow card yet?

                            MattF got banned for less!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                              Has he had a yellow card yet?

                              MattF got banned for less!
                              He can't get an official warning for just being annoying. but everyone's free to express an opinion about posts (nicely..)

                              Matt was far more than just annoying. He's ginger FFS!!

                              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                                He can't get an official warning for just being annoying. but everyone's free to express an opinion about posts (nicely..)

                                Matt was far more than just annoying. He's ginger FFS!!

                                Poor Matt, he can't even defend himself from your insults.


                                Ye Tony, Matt is a total GGT.
                                If its not broke don't fix it.

