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For All You Flat Earther's

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  • For All You Flat Earther's

    Look and Learn
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  • #2
    Is that the iPad 3?


    • #3
      Has someone sneezed all over it?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thrifty
        looks like ky jelly to me
        It may well be green by the time you have used it


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thrifty
          I really do love a good trolling ready for a paste off on Gaskets

          and we should be learning from the above example about the use of pastes and compounds on gaskets, and the effect of gasket creep and extrusion then

          not that i know very much about the subject, but Adrian Jefferies certainly does.
          I bait my trap......
          I will let you know how it fairs ,the plate has fitted, been torqued up and is now being subjected to a 33 Bar drop test ( at 6 hours into the test the pressure stood at 33.5 Bar) it is going to be on test until Friday.BTW the original gasket failed and that was assembled (dry) go figure.


          • #6
            Whats this about then. Is this conclusive proof that gaskets must have some sort of additional "sealant" slapped on, or else they are doomed to fail ?
            Сви можемо


            • #7
              Hey B.G.B. Shot in the dark, but from the remnants of green paint around the edge and your brief tease, I'm guessing ( and the faint square marks around each hole on the cleaned up face plate really intrigue me) that its something to do with the valve block on a huge industrial heavy duty stamping/press type thingy......?????.............
              " Time wounds all heels ".


              • #8
                Originally posted by thrifty
                the addition of any "lubricant" on a gasket increases the chance of creep and extrusion, when combined with incorect bolt torque, ultimately failure of the joint.
                The old school is at odds i say no additional sealants are required,and in fact reduce the joints integrity, how ever the use of specialist adhesives to hold a gasket in place for purposes of assembly only are acceptable depending on application.

                Which will now be poo pooed by all and sundry no doubt.
                Paste off in progress:-d


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MWS View Post
                  Hey B.G.B. Shot in the dark, but from the remnants of green paint around the edge and your brief tease, I'm guessing ( and the faint square marks around each hole on the cleaned up face plate really intrigue me) that its something to do with the valve block on a huge industrial heavy duty stamping/press type thingy......?????.............
                  The plate is the electrical terminal plate from a 500KW compressor .
                  The gasket is used as the suction gases are used to cool the electric motor.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thrifty
                    Hmmm ever considered that your inability to listen to others is directly linked to your ability to fcuk stuff up?

                    Just sayin.


                    • #11
                      Here we
                      Originally posted by thrifty
                      do i detect you dont like me much
                      tbh i have let me see nothing against you no ifs no buts no howevers.
                      to be perfectly frank i dont give a fcuk way too easy ..moving on.

                      i have spent nearly 50 years listening to people and thats why i ask questions and listen carefully to answers. Any one who thinks they know the lot about every thing needs a reality check, or rabbit droppings in their tea.
                      Your inability to accept that some one actually has a different opinion about something based on 15 years experience, shows me your obviously happy with what you do so i will leave you in peace.god please!!!
                      you trolled me im respondingreally ? How please explain?...and this is the last of it as far as im concerned, im not into making enemies,life is too short, but you cant get along with every one in life. If i ever need to know anything about refrigeration i would welcome your advice. As long as its not freeze your self

                      I love great banter and pish taking and have a skin as thick as an elephant having fcuked up so much as you put it, and comments regarding my integrity ahhhh boloxxxx why am i writing this shyt, repeat after me i must get a life.

                      good luck with your lifewhy thank you work and experiment in using a gasket.
                      the experiments as you so call them will continue,with great applomb .
                      The pressure test passed over twelve hours at 33bar.it is now under a vacuum and when the vacuum reaches 1torr the rise test will start.of course rest assured that i will keep you up to date on the proceedings.
                      For your information i will repeat one of my earlier postings, the gasket was being replaced as the original had failed the original was assembled dry.
                      As this system uses about 80 kgs of gas at about £120 a kg it will be gas tight.

                      I do not understand why you have such a hatred of "these crappy sealants".and why you seem to try to baffle brains with bullsh1t in fact the last "guide" you posted did not even mention refrigerants hfc hcfc cfc et al.
                      In a previous post you stated that 99% of all gasket failures that you had witnessed were due to some fitter smearing crap over the joints ,a point that you have yet to prove.

                      I can not repeat what was said yesterday when mentioning the use of "crappy sealants" as "some fitter" reassembled the failed gasket,(apart from something about seeing you next tuesday?)yes the failed gasket which was fitted in the workshop dry no sealants and to the correct torque.i fail to see wtf gasket creep has to do when it is held in place by 12mm bolts?

                      You mention "trolling" quite a lot in your post,and yet you expect me not to take offence at any of the snide remarks you throw at me.

                      With regards to your competence did you not post a thread detailing your cock ups?

                      just sayin


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shokenore View Post
                          The plate is the electrical terminal plate
                          So it really IS a flat earth
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            Yarp I was going for the cryptic and p1ss take in one line.


                            • #15

                              To quote Dr Anglegrinder ...

                              Bwaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

                              Life is too important to take seriously !

