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Vegi Oil Sale

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  • #31
    As i said, i've already been around Northampton asking the question over a number of months. I did this as a matter of course having heard that WVO is free and available from all manner of outlets so i had to make sure that was the case.

    There was no way i was going to either buy kit or make it myself without knowing i could get a good supply of free or at least very cheap WVO. I have a number of plans here to make a really decent 200ltr processor (that's all i need) to make high quality BioD just for myself and my partner. It isn't rocket science to put together, i'm very handy with a spanner, and the chemistry is rudimentary stuff.

    Northampton is a big place and there are many eateries of one sort or another however, they are being paid good money for their WVO.

    You're clearly tapping into the right places and maybe WVO collection isn't quite so competitive where you are, maybe it is, but to do this up here for small time personal use will be a pain.

    If i really want to do this i will have to pay good money for WVO. Methanol in 1000L IBC's is cheap at 30-40ppl. It's the WVO that's the problem. I'd travel distance to pick it up if it was cheap enough and i could get enough of it to make the trip worth while, no worries.

    I wouldn't mind being able to make BioD for 60-80ppl, that's a hell of a saving over the pumps and well worth it, and if i could do it cheaper than that i'd be a fool not to, however, i have done my research and my conclusion was, up here it's not worth it!!
    Now it's time to play!


    • #32
      Originally posted by smiffy View Post
      Gettin 15lts for 14 quid at Costco just now.
      Which one? I was in Glasgow last week, they only had 20 Litres for £20.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #33
        Originally posted by kamaangir View Post
        Maybe you didn't do your research in the right places!
        I make biodiesel for 15-20 pence per litre. Run lots of vehicles on it.
        I also made the reactor myself. Cost me about £200-300 including a new pump and other new bits.
        I have made about 800 Litres of bio diesel until now and some is going into a common rail engine.
        You will probably find it hard getting waste oil in Northants for free, got a couple of big boys up there that suck up all the oil!
        If you pay say 20 pence per litre you should be able to secure about 100-200 Litres per month from the local take aways etc..
        Let me know if you need more info on it.
        We have the same problem up here - you can't get WVO for love nor money! I've been told by someone on the veggie oil forum that its because we have a major biodiesel producer locally and they pay fairly good money for their WVO.

        The local biodiesel folks even used to pay people for bringing in their WVO from home, although they don't do that anymore.

        I'll just stick to using fresh veggie oil from the wholesalers/supermarkets as long as I can get it at a sensible price.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
          Which one? I was in Glasgow last week, they only had 20 Litres for £20.
          It was Glasgow Andy. The wife was in gettin stuff and had to wait till they brought the pallet off the storage racks. 15lt plastic drums in cardboard outer.
          www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


          • #35
            My mate ownes a Pub/Restaurant and a cafe. He was gettin a deal where the supplier bought the used oil off him,but looked at purchase price for 20lts and it was £25 a drum !!! He's now going back to buying it himself !!
            www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

