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wtf is going on lately

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  • #16

    Only in the privacy of your own home - in public is a DEFINITE no no !

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #17
      yeah i think that the titnternet is big on this as it allows them to carry on.

      locking them all up wont help they will just become a group and get together on the outside.

      would love to see bit get cut off them but then you would have the human rights thing and they will get compo for every bit taken off.

      again is humans we have been like this for ever. in the middle ages it was normal, as its been said it was outlawed only 100 years ago in the uk, but other countries it hasnt and it still goes on.

      the media have a huge part to play now look at the afgan war, 300 odd soldiers have been killed, well in the second world war that was a good day, but it was not reported as noone done it.

      it wil get to the stage were everyone will have metal spike fences with rolled raZor wire on top. every house will be a fort nox.....

      plus it has also become a weapon for kids as if you tell them off for messing with your car there reply will be to tell police or there parents that you have touched them. read it all the time about wrongly accused.

      this world is a mess and i am waiting for england to follow suit with lybia and egypt over the unrest a civil wars. about time we had one soon.


      • #18

        I recall reading an article a while ago that intimated that civil wars only start when the middle class of a country become so oppressed that their standard of living plummets to that of the working class ...

        If that's correct then we've a hell of a long way to go yet awhile !

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #19
          Originally posted by rich2484 View Post
          plus it has also become a weapon for kids as if you tell them off for messing with your car there reply will be to tell police or there parents that you have touched them. read it all the time about wrongly accused.
          In terms of my teaching experience we have been given quite a few guidelines on how to deal with this sort of allegation.

          1. Don't put yourself in the position to have an accusation made (ie leave classroom door open if you are in there alone with a child, etc)
          2. If an accusation is made of an adult do not ask questions - just allow the child to volunteer information.
          3. Make the child aware that you MUST report what they are telling you to the appropriate authorities.
          4. Anything you write down WILL be taken by the police as evidence so make sure you grab a blank piece of paper/scrap paper and don't write on anything important(!)
          5. Immediately inform the school child protection officer (there is always at least one nominated person in school to deal with this sort of thing) what has happened.

          Having said all that, in each of the schools I have been involved with since starting my training each and every one of them have had an example to share of an abused kid in their very recent history. None of them and none of the schools that friends/colleagues have been at have had kids wrongly accuse teachers of anything.

          I do know of teachers being caught either abusing kids or having "illegal relationships" with pupils at schools I'm familiar with - in fact it rather shocked me how often it seems to happen that teachers end up involved with pupils in some way.

          In one absolutely crazy case not so many years ago there was a teacher at a school in Burton-on-Trent who was sacked & struck off the national teaching register, as well as being convicted & going to prison, because he began a relationship (and even ended up eventually marrying) a 6th form student. Still, as long as the law says that we are adults in a "position of trust" and barred from having otherwise legal relationships then I suppose that is the way it has to be. (Not that this affects me, being happily married and all that).


          • #20
            rusty chainsaw to cut off the bits they use to offend and for the people who think that they still have rights will hire them sewing machine so they can try save them jokers in mood to antagonise do,gooders lol
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mork View Post

              I think one of the problems now is the internet.
              Yup and that bluddie HRA stirred up by Labour in 1998.

