And I must say I'm very pleased with it. No major scratches or dents, nearly all the original bolts came with it and I would imagine with a lick of tar remover and a good polish it will come up very shiny indeed!
All I have to do now is figure out how to attach it, as the chassis rails that it fastens onto are 10cm wider on a 3rd gen than the are on the 2nd.
I have a vague idea and a good mate who owns a fabrication business, so I should be okay, (as long as it doesn't fall off onto my leg)!
All I have to do now is figure out how to attach it, as the chassis rails that it fastens onto are 10cm wider on a 3rd gen than the are on the 2nd.
I have a vague idea and a good mate who owns a fabrication business, so I should be okay, (as long as it doesn't fall off onto my leg)!
