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Bull Bar Arrived Today

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  • Bull Bar Arrived Today

    And I must say I'm very pleased with it. No major scratches or dents, nearly all the original bolts came with it and I would imagine with a lick of tar remover and a good polish it will come up very shiny indeed!

    All I have to do now is figure out how to attach it, as the chassis rails that it fastens onto are 10cm wider on a 3rd gen than the are on the 2nd.

    I have a vague idea and a good mate who owns a fabrication business, so I should be okay, (as long as it doesn't fall off onto my leg)!

    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Doesn`t the bash plate get in the way. the second gen bullbar i`ve got is too narrow to fit round my bash plate, needs about 150mm drop as well as the width issue


    • #3
      Hmmmm, I may be wrong but I don't think so. There must be a way around it, as you can see in this picture, someone managed it!

      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        i`ve seen that, been pondering on it myself since i traveled halfway across the country to buy a bullbar described as third gen by someone who knew nothing.
        got it anyway. It was only £31. now i`ve just got to solve the same problem as you`ve got


        • #5
          Need something like this, excuse the shoddy image. just knocked it up in 3dmax
          Attached Files


          • #6
            At a guess I'd say the chassis rails have had 50mm box section welded to them. At the moment I don't know how much further forward they would need to be extended to accomodate the bull bar. I'm taking the truck and the bull bar to my mates at the weekend, I'll let you know how we get on.

            I also found another picture of a 3rd gen with what looks like 2nd gen bars fitted, (same as mine by the looks of them). I think it's that 'Bumble Bee' truck that crops up for sale every 3 months or so!
            Attached Files
            'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


            • #7
              I`ve ignored the forward or backward difference upto now. Let me know how ya go. If your mate will make two set`s i dont mind coughing up the reddy`s


              • #8
                No problem mate, I'll keep you informed.
                'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                • #9
                  Some well thought out "bracket'ry" made of thickish plate should do it, where there's a will there's a way nice bars those, i prefer em over the JAOS (just) thought baout removeing mine but thought again, especially as we drove all the way to Preston for them.
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss

