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low emission zone filter

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  • low emission zone filter

    i got a letter this morning telling me that my surf wont meet the new low emission zone when it is launched on 3 jan 2012,it says i can either fit a filter to my exhaust then have it tested by vosa or i can get rid of it a buy a pussy green car or pay £100 a day for the pleasure of driving it around crappy london.anyone know anything about these filters as i dont want this thieving goverment to take my surf.

  • #2
    Looks like your right.......checked reg number but they don't have that sorted at the moment...so checked via the way they then suggest and yep...no driving to visit my family in the truck. This goes back on what was said earlier.
    You guys who live in London must be screwing...
    Last edited by Overland Tonka; 7 April 2011, 15:56.
    .... Which was nice.


    • #3
      I live inside the LEZ and it doesn't affect me with my surf

      My surf is registered as PLG not 4x4 light utility

      Vehicles affected are:

      - Larger vans
      - Motorised horseboxes
      - 4x4 light utility vehicles
      - Pick-ups
      - Other specialist vehicles (which could mean anything!)
      - Motor caravans
      - Ambulances
      - Minibuses (with more than 8 passenger seats)

      As far as I am concerned my surf is just a large estate car.
      “Do or do not... there is no try.”


      • #4
        hi puddlesurfer
        my v5 says body type= light utility vehicle and taxation class private light goods and i agree its just an estate car with 4x4 so why did i get the letter do you think i will get anywhere if i ring them


        • #5
          Light 4x4 utility vehicles

          There are many types of light 4x4 utility vehicle. It is their classification (decided by the manufacturer and the European Union) that determines whether they're affected by the LEZ or not.

          Light 4x4 utility vehicles classed as cars are not affected by the LEZ. Those classed as commercial vehicles are subject to the LEZ. This can be found on a VSC registration certificate under 'Body Type.'

          Any vehicle designed to carry goods, or more than nine passengers, is classed as a commercial vehicle, even it's only used for recreational purposes. These include:

          * All models of pick-up vehicles, including dual cab pick-ups
          * Commercial or 'panel van' variants of light utility vehicles (these can be identified by having a goods-carrying capacity in place of seating and metal panels in place of windows)
          * Light utility vehicles that have more than 8 passenger seats

          If your light utility vehicle is subject to the LEZ, then you can find out about your options

          If you think that your light 4x4 utility vehicle has been classified incorrectly, please register your vehicle with TfL

          If you have any queries, please contact us on 0845 607 0009.
          I can't see how a Surf qualifies as a Light 4x4 utility vehicle, I'd give them a ring and see if you can get it changed, a surf is just another SUV, are X5's, Disco's, Rangies, Vauxhall Frontera's, etc... all going to be charged?
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Originally posted by davidy2980 View Post
            hi puddlesurfer
            my v5 says body type= light utility vehicle and taxation class private light goods and i agree its just an estate car with 4x4 so why did i get the letter do you think i will get anywhere if i ring them
            I would try and get it changed as it's an estate vehicle not pick up etc - I just checked my V5 and mine is registered as an estate body.
            EDIT: I would suggest calling the DVLA and telling them it was registered wrongly when imported
            Last edited by puddlesurfer; 7 April 2011, 16:50.
            “Do or do not... there is no try.”


            • #7
              i just rang tfl and asked him and he asked someone else then said for me to send a copy of my v5 and they will look into it but i have just noticed on my v5 that the date of first registration is 21 06 2002 and the date of first registered in uk is also 21 06 2002 which is wrong as my surf is a 1991 j reg.Also on the v5 on the new keeper supplement that it says date of first registration 21 06 2002 (decl/d manuf 1991) anyone else got this on theres


              • #8
                Yes mate, the later date was when it was first registered in the
                UK after import.
                'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by davidy2980 View Post
                  i just rang tfl and asked him and he asked someone else then said for me to send a copy of my v5 and they will look into it but i have just noticed on my v5 that the date of first registration is 21 06 2002 and the date of first registered in uk is also 21 06 2002 which is wrong as my surf is a 1991 j reg.Also on the v5 on the new keeper supplement that it says date of first registration 21 06 2002 (decl/d manuf 1991) anyone else got this on theres
                  Mine says similar.

                  On the front at the bottom (section 3)
                  Special notes 1. was registered overseas. Declared manufactured 1992
                  “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                  • #10
                    your CAR is not a LUV it is an estate car just like a land crusier or rangerover, the dvla have made a mistake on your log book. you need to contact the dvla and get it changed the LUV refers to a pick up truck which yours is not
                    SWIFT AND BOLD


                    • #11
                      one plus of owning a 4Runner, not subject to the LEZ

                      Log book:
                      Body type: Estate
                      Taxation class: Private/light goods veh

                      So being as the Surf is the same as the Runner anyones V5 not saying the same needs to contact the DVLA and get it changed.
                      Last edited by Koi; 8 April 2011, 09:11.
                      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                      My 4x4
                      My choice
                      Back off


                      • #12
                        I got one of these letters too:

                        Body type Light 4x4 Utility
                        Taxation Class PLG
                        Taxation Class PLG

                        I called LEZ and they said I need to call DVLA.
                        I called DVLA (swansea) and they told me to contact my local DVLA office.

                        ....here we go.


                        • #13
                          Ok you can't contact your local office as the only call-centre is Swansea.
                          I called back.
                          The advice now is to send in your V5 with an amendment in Section 7.
                          In the first box "Body Type" enter "Estate"

                          I will be including a cover letter and evidence in the form of photographs of the interior and exterior.

                          I'll update here as to how that went....


                          • #14
                            Mine is down as a Light 4x4 utility but in the taxation class it say`s diesel car. I notice you can only change the taxation class when re taxing the vehicle.
                            Cant remember what my second gen was down as but i`m wondering that if there is a difference is that why my third gen road tax cost more than the second gen


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
                              is that why my third gen road tax cost more than the second gen
                              Mine didn't - well, only the annual rate increase.
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

