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R.i.p my dad

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  • R.i.p my dad

    Two weeks ago today my Dad passed away suddenly at the age of 56. Although he had battled Lymphomer (a type of cancer) recently, he had over come it - He passed away from a massive blood hemorage due to an operation that was supposed to solve a bleeding ulcer, which went wrong in a big way

    I'm lost without him, my best mate, business partner, and the best guy you could ever wish to meet.

    Funeral is on Monday and I am taking the Surf to the Crematorium - he loved the truck as much as me.

    Sorry to sound morbid - I just thought I would share my thoughts,


    PS - It really has made me realise how important family is - Treasure every minuite. Thing's can change so quickly.

  • #2
    My condolences - its obvious your dad meant the world to you.

    Be strong mate. It comes to us all.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Sorry about your loss.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        Really sorry to hear your news. I can't find words but it's great to hear that you had the kind of relationship with him that means you do miss him. Too many people either don't have that level of closeness with their folks or actively distance themselves as they get older so they won't get hurt when they go.

        Sure a lot of him lives on in you and yours.


        • #5
          Originally posted by biosurf View Post
          Really sorry to hear your news. I can't find words but it's great to hear that you had the kind of relationship with him that means you do miss him. Too many people either don't have that level of closeness with their folks or actively distance themselves as they get older so they won't get hurt when they go.

          Sure a lot of him lives on in you and yours.
          Thanks mate, I'm going to adore my Mum, wife and Kids even more so now - I don't think I could cope with this again.


          • #6
            Sorry to hear about your loss.
            No words can make up for it, so not gonna try.
            Sorry if this sounds wrong, but, where are you exactly? maybe a few surf owners could pay their respects with a convoy? I know its been done with other marques...

            Regarding the "treasuring every minute", i heard something on the radio the other week which went something like " don't leave on a bad note, cos it might be the last time you see that person......."

            That really struck home when I thought about it.

            As "Cala" says.
            "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


            • #7
              Sorry to hear of your loss.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wolfracer View Post
                Sorry to hear about your loss.
                No words can make up for it, so not gonna try.
                Sorry if this sounds wrong, but, where are you exactly? maybe a few surf owners could pay their respects with a convoy? I know its been done with other marques...

                Regarding the "treasuring every minute", i heard something on the radio the other week which went something like " don't leave on a bad note, cos it might be the last time you see that person......."

                That really struck home when I thought about it.

                As "Cala" says.

                So true mate - look after your dearest always.

                Funeral is at 2pm on Moday in Tunbridge Wells - Feel free to blast the horn at that time!


                • #9
                  You have my sincere condolences Simon.....Mick.
                  " Time wounds all heels ".


                  • #10
                    I'm really sorry - take care of yourself and your loved ones.


                    • #11
                      condolences mate, 24 years since I lost mine and still think about him daily, only now I tend to find myself smiling at his antics/humour rather than the loss you feel at first. H


                      • #12
                        My condolences Simon. Sound`s like you had a great relationship, keep those good time`s in your head and it`ll help you through this


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
                          condolences mate, 24 years since I lost mine and still think about him daily, only now I tend to find myself smiling at his antics/humour rather than the loss you feel at first. H
                          Couldn`t agree more. Once the pain dies down to a dull roar you`ll find they haven`t totally left you. Their knowledge, advice and their humor stays with you. My dad died when i was 2 but my ma only died 7 years ago, think about her every day and still take guidance from what i know her advice would of been


                          • #14
                            Sorry to this mate, sincere condolences.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shalershasker View Post
                              Sorry to this mate, sincere condolences.
                              dig deep mate, i am sure your dad will be proud of you.
                              SWIFT AND BOLD

