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  • #31
    I don't see any of you lot complaining about the new tax on private jets. Thanks a bunch for the support...


    • #32
      Originally posted by TonyN View Post
      we've decided beer and currys are bad for you, we're going to make them just too expensive for you to afford, hope you enjoyed them in the past"

      And thats the day I move to Russia.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #33
        If someone could suggest a car that will cope with putting a door in from time to time, shifting me tools and dogs to mothers once a week and get across fields in the winter, that I could sell the surf to buy, and will save me enough on fuel to make it worth the hassle, I'd be all ears.. Oh and a decent forum as back up for it would be nice...

        Meanwhile I may have to get a bit more adventurous on fuel options...
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
          If someone could suggest a car that will cope with putting a door in from time to time, shifting me tools and dogs to mothers once a week and get across fields in the winter, that I could sell the surf to buy, and will save me enough on fuel to make it worth the hassle, I'd be all ears.. Oh and a decent forum as back up for it would be nice...

          Meanwhile I may have to get a bit more adventurous on fuel options...
          Here you go. Not sure whether the forum is up to much.


          • #35
            Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
            I don't see any of you lot complaining about the new tax on private jets. Thanks a bunch for the support...
            hehe, let me have go and I'll stick up for you.

            Seriously, its wrong, I don't care who you are or how much money you have, its a bullshit tax. How much will that really raise in the big scheme of things? even less once you take off the red tape to inforce it.

            It would sit better if once everythings rosy again, it all goes back to how it was, but it never does.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #36
              Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
              Here you go. Not sure whether the forum is up to much.
              The improvement in handling will be welcome...
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #37
                Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                Seriously, its wrong, I don't care who you are or how much money you have, its a bullshit tax. How much will that really raise in the big scheme of things? even less once you take off the red tape to inforce it.
                You are making the elementary mistake of thinking that that is about raising revenue, rather than making a pathetic political point about the absurdly wealthy...

                Seriously though if there is going to be some sort of campaign against the super rich (and I am all in favour), which of these two options is better:
                a) make them may some tax on their private jet; or
                b) make them pay some tax on their fecking enormous income, rather than letting them shelter it all offshore in tax havens and dubious tax avoidance schemes?

                Answers on a postcard...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  Not really Tony. I wouldn't mind betting that for a large amount of the people here, a small car would be just as 'useful' for 99% of the time - me included. We might not like it, but its probably a fact.

                  'Want' isn't the same as 'need'
                  You know last year a person at work told me I was driving the wrong car (now my regular car is a ford mondeo estate because it can tow 1.5 tons, and transport 10 dogs). When asked why I had the wrong car, they informed me I didn't need that car because I was the only person in it all the time, so I was wasting world resources and parking space. I did then point out to that person that I tended not to tow or transport all the dogs back and forth to work, as that would be a waste, he did not know my life out of work, so he did not know my need.
                  Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Maverick View Post
                    You know last year a person at work told me I was driving the wrong car (now my regular car is a ford mondeo estate because it can tow 1.5 tons, and transport 10 dogs). When asked why I had the wrong car, they informed me I didn't need that car because I was the only person in it all the time, so I was wasting world resources and parking space. I did then point out to that person that I tended not to tow or transport all the dogs back and forth to work, as that would be a waste, he did not know my life out of work, so he did not know my need.
                    When people like that say you are wasting precious resources, the appropriate course is to agree, and point out that you will now take immediate steps to help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere. Then slowly and carefully remove his or her head using any tolerably sharp implement that is to hand. Sanctimonious dicks.


                    • #40
                      A Mondeo? He said you were driving the wrong car?

                      He's obviously never driven a Vectra.
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Apache View Post
                        A Mondeo? He said you were driving the wrong car?

                        He's obviously never driven a Vectra.
                        Don't get too excited I haven't managed to get above 41mpg yet. Mainly because of all the political speed limits stoping me getting into 6th gear.

                        They set a trainee to me in January who was anti 4X4, and it just happened to be on a day when I gave the surf a run to work (with all Salisbury Plains still on it). It turned out to be a long day, and after we stoped talking completely I sent him home early. Neadless to say I refused to sign his training card, so they haven't sent him back (he was usless anyway, couldn't use a computer on a site where everything is run by the computer).
                        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                        • #42
                          Was the fuss about, diesels only £1.29.9 in sainsburys....


                          Oh i just been told i am also getting a payrise cus the tax threshold has changed....

                          See no fuss needed...... (can't spell nesisary)
                          Last edited by Paul1566; 24 March 2011, 17:41.
                          Remember arrows are silent.....................
                          Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


                          • #43
                            V for Vendetta......FUEL

                            Governments should be afraid of their people.... People should not be afraid of their governments... Fuel is one aspect of all our lives....there are many others which in this 'modern day' are also a very real and growing cause for concern..... CCTV, ANPRS, data bases, facebook, the list goes on and on even if you think about simple things like sat nav etc. To be fair I cannot comment on the state of the country as I dont vote. I can almost hear the screams of anger as some people read this post - doesnt vote?...he has no right to moan,pass comment etc etc. Thats very true, but its my choice remember, as it was everyone elses to vote or not vote. However I am allowed an opinion and what concerns me most is that no matter which govenment is in 'power', we as a collective, demoncratic population in the 'free world' have little to no say in what happens after they are elected into power. Year in decade out I have heard the same lies over and over on just about every political subject the wanna be new rulers of this great nation have put forward - and everytime a new lot get elected its almost as if theres a huge smug smile of relief from the newly elected.
                            No smoking is a perfect example of double standards - no smoking anywhere etc etc - unless its in the house of commons bar.....thats naturally exempt for those who havent popped in for a swift pint btw.
                            The only way to achieve is to work as a collective- lord no I hear you cry - is the man implying WE have to act together?....er....yes.As fuel is a topic at the moment hows this for a suggestion - for the next month-all of April-only buy your fuel from a supermarket - if only 20% of the motoring population did this I think you would see a price war to end all price wars.
                            Lets not forget a few truths about fuel - Diesel or heavy oil is a PART of petrol distillation - its almost free to the firm doing the refining - its not had to be MADE - its a part of whats left over.... and with that in mind why should anyone be enticed towards a greener diesel vehicle - then be shafted for DARING to get more miles to the gallon??
                            I have no problem paying for a product thats reasonably priced but as I/We have no choice then I begrudge it because of the impact it has on all of us.
                            I wonder what would happen if We - and its a BIG if coming here.... IF we ALL stopped driving for just 1 day..... no cars, no fuel sales...NO smug grin...
                            Phew!... believe it or not Im actually quite sane and normal...lmao!
                            Just watched V FOR VENDETTA too many times I guess!!

                            No doubt this needs organising...anyone belong to Facebook???


                            • #44
                              I dunno what the feck your all arguing about,fuel is around £1.35 a litre.How much is a pint of beer,a pint of milk a bottle of water.....etc,we have a choice of using other fuels to power our vehicles,i.e veg oil.


                              • #45
                                My point earlier is that I, personally, don't thing the price of fuel is an issue; for now. As I don't think it's an issue, I get angry, seriously angry, when people who do think it's an issue tell me that I'm wrong and should be complaining.

                                If you think it's an issue, fine, go and bleat about it; but don't get arsey with me because I think it's a non-issue and counter your points.
                                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

