Goran, being a Sparky you'll have a current clamp meter around. Stick it on your winch cable +ve and see how much current its drawing in operation.
Find the current spec for your alternator with engine at idle (I bet it'll be <40A or so, rising to maybe 70 - 80A above 1500rpm) and if your winch draws more than the current available at idle - there's your problem - the rest of the required current is being supplied from the battery.
Solution - fit a high-idle switch to make sure your alternator is supplying sufficient current. Whatever accessories you fit, they should NEVER impact the charge state of the battery.
Not being able to charge a vehicle battery on the vehicle is utter nonsense by the way...
Find the current spec for your alternator with engine at idle (I bet it'll be <40A or so, rising to maybe 70 - 80A above 1500rpm) and if your winch draws more than the current available at idle - there's your problem - the rest of the required current is being supplied from the battery.
Solution - fit a high-idle switch to make sure your alternator is supplying sufficient current. Whatever accessories you fit, they should NEVER impact the charge state of the battery.
Not being able to charge a vehicle battery on the vehicle is utter nonsense by the way...