Hi guys, i bought my gen 3 around 6 months ago, after a short while i discovered it had a small oil leak, it never bothered me because the vehicle is parked at the bottom of the drive, and the oil light never came on, untill about 2 weeks ago, and over the past 2 weeks the leak has become quicker, its been loosing more fluid, and today after a 10 minute drive i got home and it was allmost poaring oil out of the sump
, however i dont know where its coming from because the sump guard(i think thats what its called) was covering where the leak was, and it was literally dripping a drop a second from the sump, ive booked it in at the mechanics but the latest they had was a week on wednesday, and i highly doubt it will make it, without costing a fortune in refilling it with oil. so can anyone help by giving suggestion on where they believe the leak to be coming from? thanks
