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Female insurance

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  • Female insurance

    No more cheaper insurance for females..

    can you imagine the fury if society based insurance rates on your skin colour or religious beliefs..

    you can't cherry pick equality laws..

    Back in the day Baby

  • #2

    Insurance is about RISK - the numbers say that women are less of a risk than men !

    There's no discrimination involved it's just a form of betting - how would you feel if the odds on the favouite were the same as the odds on the outsiders ?

    We'll all end up paying more ...

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #3
      It's just another way of getting more money out of the motorist to keep the share holders happy, nothing to do with gender.


      • #4
        get this for sexist,

        myself 25, 4 years no clams, no accidents or convictions on my bmw dakar motorbike = £210 full comp

        my girlfriend 22, 0 years clams passed last friday, no acidents or convictions on my bike = £237 full comp

        my 1st years insurance was £1300

        know that takes the ####,

        then again with her on my surf policy almost 1/2's it.


        • #5
          What about age discrimination?

          That must be OK
          私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


          • #6
            It's a stupid stupid judgement. If women are a lower risk, their insurance should be less, as should it be for older drivers, more experienced drivers etc etc. I give it a year before they outlaw no claims bonuses as discriminatory towards the accident-prone.


            • #7
              I believe in the good old US of A everyone starts with the same rate for insurance, but it increases if you have any accidents, which ssems fair enough, considering some states allow kids of 14 to drive on the roads.
              What have I told you about thinking Erroll


              • #8
                Has no one else noticed? Young female drivers are now just as dangerous as youn male drivers. When I was 18, it was lads doing cars up, wheel spinning round car parks like muppets, now it seems to be the girlies doing it. And the amount of young female drivers I see talkin on the phone whilst driving hugely outways the guys, certainly round my area!


                • #9
                  I just wrote a long screed about this but I have even bored myself by it.
                  Anyone that deals with it on a daily basis will tell you that Euro law is hopeless. But this issue is less straightforward than it at first seems.
                  Ultimately we as a society have decided that to draw conclusions about individuals in certain groups based solely on their membership of that group is unfair and should not be permitted. Whether that decision is sensible or not is a different and extremely involved question.

                  Ultimately as Bushwhacker says we will all end up getting stiffed more by the insurance companies. Well done you feminists. What a blow for womens' rights!


                  • #10
                    Could never understand why they got it cheaper anyway. More likly to cause accident applying lipstick an mascara :-0
                    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                    • #11
                      When I read the thread title I hoped you'd found a firm doing a "new for old" policy.


                      • #12
                        heh heh

                        Insurance spokes person stated that male policies will remain at same levels female policies will increase in price...

                        so no overall averaging out then which would see male policy premiums drop ..


                        Back in the day Baby


                        • #13
                          Still, on the bright side, it should put an end to those annoying "Sheila's Wheels" adverts.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by davec170 View Post
                              Still, on the bright side, it should put an end to those annoying "Sheila's Wheels" adverts.

