Originally posted by KERRSURF
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Example; tax from local restaurant £50 goes to Gov, Gov pays Police wage £50, Policeman takes wife to said restaurant spends £50. £50 back in till, take account what it cost to put food on plate. Gov, Gov jobs do not create wealth it only spends money generated by private firms. It can print more money but this cause inflation and solves nothing.
Now the minimum wage, there is a cracker. It creates unemployment.
I run a firm and guy A wants a job, I give him a skills test and his ability production rate is worth £5 and hour to me. The Gov say I must pay £7 sounds good and charity is a good thing.
What private firm can afford on going charity?
How do less skilled get a start on the ladder?
The minimum wage policy is discriminating against the low skilled/less able.
The very people it is supposed to help