Or to be more precice the nutter in my garage, anyone else fine they seem to attract those blokes that just come up and start talking or just hang about near ya?
the chap came last night (early evening) to pick up and pay for the bars i sold on ebay, he also had a surf and while i'm talking to him in my garage a youngish lad just came in and stood there, i didn't recconise him (at first) and so assumed he'd come with the bloke and just got fed up of sitting in his truck, anyway the guy pays me and we shake hands and off he goes but this guys still stood there, i said are you comeing out as well or staying in there cos i'm off indoors now, he starts going on about how he got a job painting old cars and i'm thinking WTF is this tw@t on about, turnes out he's the son of a nabour who died some years ago who i haven't seen in years,
it seems every soddin time i have someone come to the house and have to talk or do summat on my truck or theirs some bugga wanders over and sticks his nose in useually when your haveing a bad time and can least do with some idot hanging round, stating the bl00dy obvious, thers one who always turns up on a bike and is definatly not all there, whatever you want he got it untill you do actually want it,
bloke accross the road who is also not quite right, he talks so fast and grabled i never understand WTF he said, many a time i laughted when i should have shook my head
i've had em on busses at waterloo station (all those people and he picks on me) in pubs
prob my fault as i aint got the heart to tell em to feck off,
i sometimes wonder about this estate, do i hear banjo's now and then?
minor rant over
the chap came last night (early evening) to pick up and pay for the bars i sold on ebay, he also had a surf and while i'm talking to him in my garage a youngish lad just came in and stood there, i didn't recconise him (at first) and so assumed he'd come with the bloke and just got fed up of sitting in his truck, anyway the guy pays me and we shake hands and off he goes but this guys still stood there, i said are you comeing out as well or staying in there cos i'm off indoors now, he starts going on about how he got a job painting old cars and i'm thinking WTF is this tw@t on about, turnes out he's the son of a nabour who died some years ago who i haven't seen in years,
it seems every soddin time i have someone come to the house and have to talk or do summat on my truck or theirs some bugga wanders over and sticks his nose in useually when your haveing a bad time and can least do with some idot hanging round, stating the bl00dy obvious, thers one who always turns up on a bike and is definatly not all there, whatever you want he got it untill you do actually want it,
bloke accross the road who is also not quite right, he talks so fast and grabled i never understand WTF he said, many a time i laughted when i should have shook my head

prob my fault as i aint got the heart to tell em to feck off,
i sometimes wonder about this estate, do i hear banjo's now and then?

minor rant over