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Getting Rid of Bodywork Logos

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  • Getting Rid of Bodywork Logos

    Looking for advice on getting rid of the 'tasty' body logos (HILUX and SURF specifically. TURBO can stay)..Know they don't affect performance but come on we all know what we know and love without being constantly reminded.

    Anyone taken theirs to a garage for removal and have good/bad accounts, or braved a diy job??

    I guess rubbing it off with wire wool is out of the question ...ha ha

    Look out! Ee

  • #2
    Aparrently, they come off with a little heat - hairdryer or something... But in pics I've seen (I had thought it was Dandownunder's rig, but I just checked out his site and the pic I was thinking of wasn't there - must have been another guy with a blue gen2 - it was in his back yard or something) you can still kind of make out the outline of the lettering after it's been taken off...



    • #3
      Not done it, but I'd guess hairdryer followed by a bit teecut would do the trick. I agree some of the massive SURF side logos look horrid


      • #4
        Originally posted by silvtr1000
        Aparrently, they come off with a little heat - hairdryer or something... But in pics I've seen (I had thought it was Dandownunder's rig, but I just checked out his site and the pic I was thinking of wasn't there - must have been another guy with a blue gen2 - it was in his back yard or something) you can still kind of make out the outline of the lettering after it's been taken off...

        Twas me.

        They come off with a hair dryer or you can use a removal tool that fits on your drill.

        Do a search for sticker removal, think you will find where the tool comes from.

        Hardest thing to get off is the glue afterwards, I used white spirit and a PLASTIC scourer. Then paint renovator and lots of polish.



        • #5
          my best mate used to fit logos to vans, he said that you should use a hair dryer to heat the plastic and peel it off. then use white spirit to remove the glue.

          he said to GO SLOW! thats the key apparently!
          2nd time unlucky with an import


          • #6
            yep the hairdryer does the trick, took a logo off the suzi. do it slowly and it should come off in 1 go, rub with a cloth and white spirits to get the glue off and t cut, sometimes all depending on the light and angle you can c the outline very faintly but then i was toooo lazy to t cut it.....
            lets go get dirty...


            • #7
              where's gemini these days with his "sticker removal tool" pic?
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                Thanks for all the responses

                A wallpaper stripper heat gun and a cold chisel it is then!!!!!!!!
                Look out! Ee


                • #9
                  sticker removal

                  beware the paint under the skicker has been protected from the weather and sun for a long time, you will see the marks indefinately. even after a good t-cut.


                  • #10
                    Use a pressure washer set to pencil spray to get the main graphic off then use a rubber wheel mounted to a drill set to 2000rpm and it will all come off perfectly. After that use some cutting compound to ease the perfectly restored paint into the rest of the paint. The rubber wheels can be bought from good paint / bodyshops for about £9.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dabigman
                      where's gemini these days with his "sticker removal tool" pic?
                      was just thinking the same thing!


                      • #12
                        I will do it for him.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Is there anything other than white spirit or the rubber wheel (don't have drill to hand) that gets the glue off.

                          Stickers came off no problem with hairdryer last night, but the glue, ohmigod, took over 1 hour with cloth and white spirits just for the S of Surf!!!
                          Look out! Ee


                          • #14
                            only seven hours to go then


                            • #15
                              Wipe the glue with white spirit and wait a fews seconds to let it soften the glue.
                              Then rub with your thumb. Alot of the glue comes off ,just keep doing this .

                              Took me 20 mins to do my hilux surf
                              I always work better wet .

                              Its why I became a plumber!!!

