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Citizens against bull-bars! (and 4x4s)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by turbotommy
    Needless to say, i don't like bullbars on anything (other than aussie road trains), so vans are also a no-no.

    Alas, i'm having a crisis with my homeopathic-solar-powered-karma-defibrillator, which will need to be driven halfway across the country to be fixed by my favourite peoples collective (using two tonne vehicle, of course). And since i often mis-type while netsurfing while surfing (so to speak) i'll have to desist for the evening....
    Thats more like it, lets get back to the humour that this site is renowned for.



    • #32
      Originally posted by turbotommy
      I agree that it is the way that people drive today that causes many, if not most, of the problems. I'm also sympathetic to your argument about 'bandwagons'.

      However, there is much research that has gone into making cars better in pedestrian impacts, eg no stick out badges, softer bonnets etc, making the nose lower so that it does not hit the abdomen to reduce internal organ injury. Now, this is progress and it to be encouraged, until we can make cars that are smart enough to avoid hitting people, no matter how stupidly they are driven (unlikley in the short term).

      So why should we condone people putting dangerous things on the front of their cars ? We could inlcude spots etc. The most obviously un-necessary accessory is a bull bar, and also it is mounted on something heavy, just at abdomen height. A very bad combination.

      Now, we don't need these things and they add danger, so why not ban them? I do support peoples rights, as long as they do not infringe upon other peoples safety or wellbeing. As a society, we have laws that reflect this.

      Have a pleasant lie down...

      Bit worried about reversing my surf now with a towbar fixed to it!
      www.europa88.co.uk Loadsa mods!


      • #33
        i dont think it would make much diffrence getting hit by 4x4 with or without bullbars it would hurt either way,saying that before i got my 4x4 i used to drive fast cars fast,i think speed is far worse than bullbars. its dead simple STOP--LOOK--LISTEN. IF YOU CANT SEE OR HERE MY TRUCK ROLLING DOWN THE ROAD it is simply you that should be banned from the streets,

        there are people out ther that want to ban everything!!!!!

        i say f**$%^&*£"! them sad gits


        • #34
          Pedestrians are not insured so if one decides to walk in front of my truck and test their skeletal strength then my insurance has to pay for the damage to my motor. With me bars me motor don't get damaged so me premiums don't go up so in time my bars are a sound investment.

          Bottom line bring back the GREEN CROSS CODE MAN and use the !!!!!! crossings that are designed for pedestrians, if you wanna play can I get to the other side by walking out in front of this this motor or talk on the phone and just step out, or listen to your walkman and be oblivious to whats going on around then do so dont chastise me for your stupidity.
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off


          • #35
            I am in total agreement with you all......... never be seen dead with those horrible bully bars or those nasty spotty light thingy's...........just remember these whitehall pen pushers have got to have something to moan about to justify their 50 k+ a year. Oh yes ......... just heard there are no weapons of mass reproduction in Iraq....... apart from the toyota gunships and i would like to know why nobody complains about a 50 calibre mounted on the back of a hilux? Surely that might be deemed as slightly dangerous.Seriously though i have decided to tie wrap an old cushion on my front diff casing as an extra safety measure and if the idea takes off i will be selling them on Ebay all the best..


            • #36
              Originally posted by fenman666
              I am in total agreement with you all......... never be seen dead with those horrible bully bars or those nasty spotty light thingy's...........just remember these whitehall pen pushers have got to have something to moan about to justify their 50 k+ a year. Oh yes ......... just heard there are no weapons of mass reproduction in Iraq....... apart from the toyota gunships and i would like to know why nobody complains about a 50 calibre mounted on the back of a hilux? Surely that might be deemed as slightly dangerous.Seriously though i have decided to tie wrap an old cushion on my front diff casing as an extra safety measure and if the idea takes off i will be selling them on Ebay all the best..
              How about fabricating some front bumpers out of expanded polystyrene, oh and wings and bonnet with soft covers on - could even do them in Chintz for the country set.



              • #37
                Originally posted by lucky
                How about fabricating some front bumpers out of expanded polystyrene, oh and wings and bonnet with soft covers on - could even do them in Chintz for the country set.

                Now, Lucky, i'm very dissapointed that you suggested the use of polystyrene, when there are far more ecologically sound materials out there. It's clearly an excellent idea that needs to be executed using sustainably-crofted-dried-and-softened-peat covered with natural-fibre-spun-in-the-3rd-world-shipped-by-sail, with optional ethnic prints (Chintz is Sooo last year, don't you read Ikea ads ?).


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Esamed

                  they are going to be banned in July 05.

                  Is there going to be such a ban? can't find any such law on the net.


                  Where am i going to put all the aerials on? The a bar makes a good place to mount the HF aerial...Also the Bull bar is only used for pushing braches and trees out of the way when green laning its not my fault if a passing pedestrian wants to jump in front of my Surf....Just think of all the washing you have to do when they do that! I hate washing blood off.
                  Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by turbotommy
                    Now, Lucky, i'm very dissapointed that you suggested the use of polystyrene, when there are far more ecologically sound materials out there. It's clearly an excellent idea that needs to be executed using sustainably-crofted-dried-and-softened-peat covered with natural-fibre-spun-in-the-3rd-world-shipped-by-sail, with optional ethnic prints (Chintz is Sooo last year, don't you read Ikea ads ?).
                    LOL! - and you could make them in Burberry for the ultimate chav-mobile accessory!

                    I was considering remaking my "Toyota" bit on the bullbar out of carbon with my choice of word in it - but I'd better reconsider, cos if some rogue pedestrain hit it it either wouldn't shift at all (messy for them) or would shatter and fill them full of carbon splinters (ouch!).

