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Citizens against bull-bars! (and 4x4s)

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  • Citizens against bull-bars! (and 4x4s)

    Looks like you Londoner's are getting stick from all angles...

    A ban on bull bars fitted to all vehicles used in London [and mabye other cities if you have a similar view].

    Join Wastemonsters to help stop 4x4s taking over London
    One day my paranoia will go away!

  • #2
    If they dont like it they should get off the road
    (I am more than willing to help them off the road using my bull bars if they wish!!!!)


    • #3
      Originally posted by icsys
      Looks like you Londoner's are getting stick from all angles...

      A ban on bull bars fitted to all vehicles used in London [and mabye other cities if you have a similar view].

      Join Wastemonsters to help stop 4x4s taking over London
      Isn't it amazing that in a so called Free country, those advocates of free speech would also remove the rights of others to do what they want to do. And isn't it amazing how statistics can read ......such as .

      37% of SUVs roll over on fatal accidents, only 25% of other cars do.

      The accident is still fatal, does it matter if a rollover happened or not. In fact you could say that the other cars are less safe.

      Plus they say that SUVs are poorly designed and handle badly, have they ever driven a Surf or a new active suspension Disco or Rangerover, then go drive a Peugeot 806 or a Fiat Doblo, or any of the hundreds of delivery vans that scream around the roads of London.

      Some people should just go and get a life and do the important things like looking after their families, teaching their kids that expressing themselves in whatever way they like (like graffity, beating up old people, etc etc) is not healthy, also maybe teaching their kids to look before they run out in the road (anyone remember the green cross code) would be a good idea.

      Cars full stop are bad for the environment, mind you so are power stations, water treatment plants, wars, Buses, Trains, any form of manufacturing.

      I tell you what lets go back to the dark ages and see how these city dwelling "we're great, you lot ain't) bunch of no account numbnuts get along without their TV's, Britta Water Filters, Detergents etc.

      We need to get real here, some of us drive to work because we can't walk that far - we can't afford to live in London cos the prices are too high so we have to live 40 - 50 miles from work, I'm not cycling or walking 50p miles before doing a full day's work, some of us use the considerable loadspace for what it's meant for and don't want a van cos we have families.

      Yes the use of 4x4s for the school run can get a bit annoying for other road users, well if they don't like it, take another route or even better - get up earlier. You shouldn't be driving to work at 08:45, you should get a real job and get into work at 07:30. And driving home at 15:30 or there abouts means you are only working part time - so go and get a REAL job and leave work at 17:30, you'll miss the school run then.

      That should really annoy a large number of people.

      Sorry if any of them were on this forum, I just get more and more steamed every day. Think I need a lie down in a dark room now.....


      • #4
        Originally posted by truckarms
        If they dont like it they should get off the road
        (I am more than willing to help them off the road using my bull bars if they wish!!!!)
        How about we start a new Special Interest group.

        Bullbars against City dwelling tree huggers.

        I'll get some spikes made up.

        Oh no!! I forgot, in this wonderful free country, we aren't allowed an opinion!!!!



        • #5
          hmm, yes and they all want to have the British Grand Prix hosted in London don't they?

          just how much pollution does an F1 car put out in a race?

          plus practice?

          plus qualifying?

          plus all their large entourage of lorries, coaches, helicopters, etc?

          multiplied by the whole grid = ????

          alot I reckon. Oh, but all that revenue it will bring in, yet again the economic gain justifies the ecological loss.


          • #6
            The "stop4x4" link at the bottom of this email has an active vote on it - so if you really feel strongly then go there and vote to Oppose the suggestion - after all we live in a democracy!!




            • #7
              I paid about 5K for my surf.

              Can any of those anti 4x4 people please point out a vehicle for the same price that,

              Can carry 5 people and a load of luggage.
              Can have a decent roof rack.
              Can have the seats dropped and fit a pool table in the back.
              Have an engine powefull enough to shift all this stuff.
              Have suspension strong enought to deal with this.
              Including going over speed bumps with a full load.
              Have tyres and an engine that can pull 5 people and two weeks luggage over to France and up a mountain road with a few inches of snow on it.

              As for bull bars.
              I'd be happy to see them banned for cars that do not need them.
              They are after all a large chunk of metal at the front of a car that can do a lot of damage.
              Can we also ban ANY car that has a fixed non-crumple bumper.
              In fact, any car that has a front end that could damage a person should have the front end removed and be replaced with cotton wool pillows.
              Last edited by rob88; 12 July 2004, 14:44.


              • #8
                Did you see this in a link from that site?..............

                "Why should a 4x4 owner pay more road tax for using their vehicle, surely they already pay a premium on petrol taxes. Mine runs on LPG, a waste by-product of the refining process that the fuel companies should be giving me. It cost me dear to get the car converted but I felt the green issues were worth it, the conversion costs will take me 2 years to repay. For those of you not in the know LPG produces far less harmful toxins than petrol or diesel.

                Why should a motorist pass a special test for driving a 4x4 when they can take the wheel of a small truck or a super-car on a standard Full driving licence.

                Is driving slightly slower than the masses really such a bad thing with general road safety in mind, I always keep to the limits but often find myself held up by motorists wearing flat caps driving their brand new Fiestas.


                My 4x4 irons out those nasty potholes in our roads, allowing me to transport my family including three kids around in comfort and fill the boot up with everything we need.

                My 4x4 was the only thing that could get through the snowed up roads around the home counties, once I got past all those small hatchbacks stuck in 2cm of snow.

                My 4x4 is 12 years old and by keeping it on the road I am helping the environment recover not only from the costs of its creation but also save the cost to the enviroment if I were to scrap/recycle it.

                My 4x4 is used on country roads because that is where I live, I find tractors and other farm machinery a far bigger menace than 4x4’s.

                My 4x4 is great fun to drive, gives me a fantastic view of the road ahead (which must be safer), is a great tow car,is loved by all three of my kids and suits my active lifestyle.

                Still in favour of penalising 4x4 owners then go and do some rambling so I can come and argue with you about the right to use green lanes. hehe"

                Made me smile!
                I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                • #9
                  Funny how this was posted in January and as yet has only 35 people included in their voting process! this is obviously a HOT subject!!
                  The next thing they will ban is wheels


                  • #10

                    I thank you.
                    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                    My 4x4
                    My choice
                    Back off


                    • #11

                      I'm not legally minded, but I looked at the statement made by the wastemonsters about photocopying and distributing parking tickets. Is this not illegal, I believed it was illegal to copy and alter legal documents, government issued documents. Would this also not constitute impersonation of an authoritative figure, albeit a traffic warden.

                      Surely these imbeciles are wasting drivers time, causing a nuisance, causing undue distress to motorists, and behaving illegally and irresponsibility.

                      I must stop writing before I really get on my soap box.

                      Freedom of speech, democratic society and free will, oh yeah they don't exist in today's Britain. As much as I love my country when is the next flight out of the UK?



                      • #12
                        I had the same thought too. I was thinking about putting a complaint into BBCi about that breaking their rules, but then couldn't decide if that made me as petty as them?

                        The thing that makes me laugh (or do I mean sad?) is that these stupid idiots don't know what fuel the vehicle is running on so can't possibly call them wastemonsters!

                        Probably best just to let them have their little bit of fun, thinking that they're really having an effect - better that than to stop them and make them think of some other way to waste their pathetic little lives!


                        PS Now, if we could just get one of the vegoil surfs down there, and get it stickered by them, then get it into the papers for that "how dumb are these people" amusing type article......


                        • #13

                          We had our company Frontera theived for the bull bars etc, unfortunately they left the main bit behind. When we reported it to the Police they said they had done us a favour as they are going to be banned in July 05.

                          Is there going to be such a ban? can't find any such law on the net.

                          Should have bought a 3ltr


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Koi

                            I thank you.
                            I second the motion and would like to recomend it to the house all in favour say

                            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sumo
                              I second the motion and would like to recomend it to the house all in favour say


                              I'm a custard donut monster

