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  • #31

    I've no idea if a kite's viable BUT I do know who the kite man is - it's

    Dr Anglegrinder !

    Give Tony a bell ...

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #32
      a kite could work
      ballon maybe the way
      iam unsure for now
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #33
        thanks for saying who the kite man is tho
        cheers dude
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #34
          A couple of questions, you said it need to be part of the surf or at least controlled ideally out of the sunroof.

          Will the surf be moving or stationary when its being used?

          How much do the weather condition effect it, no good having a light helium balloon if you need to use it in anything other than a calm day especially 100+m up? although everything apart a satellite will have some weather restricting use?

          How often will you need to use it on a job? 10 times a day or once before a 3 month project?

          You might want to get in contact with this guy, he might just end up being your best friend for a cheap way.. http://lindholm.jp/chpro_bal.html

          or as other suggested..


          I have friends who fly kites, best and most fun idea would be. to tie a rope to the back of the harness and the other end to surf, once the kite is air borne you fly it from 5/10/15m up the line using the surf as a ground anchor! obviously you would need a kite surfing type kit, few different kit sizes for every weather condition? not that cheap but great fun i imagine.


          • #35
            iam wanting to look at the ground from above on a once a day at different places in the summer time then autum (i have my reasons) i dont mind getting out to use what ever i need to see from above
            the kite idea sounds stable

            the telliscopic pole i will only be useing that when iam parked up with the hide (camy type tent) over my truck
            (i also have my reasons)

            this project started off has one thing and then grew into several others its now in its final year and i am hopeing to sort every aspect of it before i start spending money on it

            i need this project to work first time iam wishing here
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #36
              I once built and flew my own model heli, it takes a long time to learn to fly one, I flew mine for about a year and was not confident enough to fly it at the heights you are talking about, sold mine after a minor flying accident which left me with 4 compound fractures in my right hand!
              if you are wanting to view once a day ( if I read that right) helis are gonna be an expensive way to go, if its a one off, I'd book a trial flying lesson at a nearby airfield at least that way you can have some fun by actually flying yerself, I've done trial lessons in helis and fixed wing, both great fun.


              • #37
                i have things up with me i dowt they would pass me has a pilot
                apart from being insane
                i think the medical i could never pass
                good idea tho

                i dont like the sound of the hillicopter
                injurys and stuff is one thing i could do with out
                the kite is sounding good

                i wont even fly to ireland last time i was ill for 4 days
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

