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Veg oil tank and equ

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  • #16
    Hi Ian
    Really sorry to hear about your predicament.

    I am one of the last ones to advise you on ways of modifying anything as my spannery skills are lacking at best. Its late so I will probably see all the holes in this idea in the cold light of day but in terms of getting in is there no way you could attach proper steps to the rock sliders it looks like you have fitted.
    Obviously they need to be proper graded steps i.e. http://www.buyaladder.co.uk/images/u...ps_3_tread.jpg

    rather than just an extra welded bar so hows about attach them to the sliders so that they can be swung up to clip on to the outside of the passenger door. Your sliders look to be round so this should be doable. It wont look pretty but saves you carting them around inside the truck.

    When entering the Surf she could unhitch them from the outside of the door allowing them to swing down so she can climb them in. Once in, either you can swing them back up to clip into place or she could pull them up herself via the open window and a wire or summat.

    Once locked in place it would stop the door being opened until they are unhitched again which isn't great but may be something you're willing to put up with?

    Found these links in case any of them are handy for other ideas




    • #17
      Thanks guys, and thanks for the links Bio, that electric step looks interesting, only problem with that is the distance from my sill to the deck, a step halfway wont really help her much, you see the thing is she cant do steps very well, (she has parkinsons and hip joints are failing along with both types of arthritis plus some other things, she cant do things by halfs!!)
      what i'd like to do is make a step (perhaps useing the existing pull out one) that not only pulls out but loweres to near the ground as well, sort of like a mini truck tail lift, last time i thought about this i worked it out that if i used air rams i would need them to be about 300-400 mm of travel on the ram arm, even if i have to cut the floor pan and alter the pass seat fixings to get em in,
      end of the day the surf is not an ideal vehicle for mobility purposes and unless i can make some form of lift reasonably cheaply then it'll prob be cheaper, less stress and more sensible to go for a more suitable vehicle, btw she also has problems getting in and out of a low car (my sons beemer) or into a mid size van like his VW transporter, or a transit, or his landrover for that matter and thats stock height, a van i borrowed from a mate was a berlingo and that was just the right height for her,

      Thanks for the alternator offer Vince, not sure my problem is that, i'm showing 18 on the old gauge and 13-14 amps on the aftermarket volt gauge,
      i do know that if i run with the wipers, blower and lights on (not the spots tho) this drops to 11v, what i'm gonna do is just disconnect ALL my added wiring and see, as i say i want to (if i do keep it) do is tidy up wiring, resite all relays/fuse boxes etc, but doing the step thing is the first thing, if that dosen't work out then no point me doing owt else to it, thanks tho mate

      Cheers Jess, first thing i need to do is work out where to site the rams, how much are the rams, how many i'll need,(Webbo did offer a while back so i'll give him a pm) i figured on 2-3 placed right should get her off the deck
      everything else is just metalwork so i may be in touch Jess, thanks mate

      Arron, so far, i've not even started removeing anything yet so yes, i did pm Tin Tin to say i'm looking for around £70 for the lot but open to offers (up or down
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

